Friday, June 21, 2013

The CDC is lying to you again: flu reality vs. flu fiction

The CDC is lying to you again: flu fiction vs. flu reality

The CDC is lying to you again: flu reality vs. flu fiction
by Jon Rappoport
June 20, 2013
I now have the official CDC flu-death statistics for the year 2010.
They were provided to me by Martin Maloney, who, some years ago, contacted me to show how the CDC was lying all the way along the line about numbers of flu deaths. Many thanks, Martin, for your good work. 

2010 is apparently the most recent year for which the CDC has issued a final report. It was released on May 13 of this year.
The report comes through a sub-agency of the CDC, the National Vital Statistics System (NVSS).

On page 89 of the report, “Deaths: Final Data for 2010,” in Table 10, we find the following:

Influenza and Pneumonia [deaths]: 50,097.
Influenza [deaths]: 500.
Pneumonia [deaths]: 49,597.
In 2010, the CDC reports 500 deaths from the flu.
But the CDC PR people have trumpeted, over and over, that 36,000 people die every year in the US from the flu.
They’ve hyped this number, to emphasize how dangerous the flu is. They use the 36,000 number as a way to promote the flu vaccine. They use it to work for their pimps in the pharmaceutical industry.
Yet, their own numbers show 500 deaths in 2010, not 36,000.
Actually, if you dig below the surface of their PR, the CDC states in their literature that annual deaths from the flu range from about 3000 to 49,000.

This is obviously nowhere near the low 500-death figure for 2010.

Full Story Here

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