Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Statins should not offer the illusion of protection

‘Statins should not offer the illusion of protection that will enable many individuals to engage in unhealthy lifestyle behaviours’ says the editorial in Prescriber, the UK’s leading journal focusing on prescribing in medicines management.

‘Indeed 80 per cent of cardiovascular disease is attributable to lifestyle factors including an unhealthy diet, smoking and lack of physical activity.

‘For those individuals at low risk it is clear that the benefits of statins are modest at best’ it says.

Alternatives to statins for those at low risk in effectively preventing heart attacks and strokes include eating an apple a day, a handful of nuts or four table spoons of extra virgin olive oil daily.

Tree nuts such as almonds, hazelnuts, pecans, some pine nuts, pistachios, and walnuts contain high levels of ‘good’ fats that can lower harmful fats in the bloodstream

Full story here

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