Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Flu Shot Causing Fetal Deaths

By Kenny Valenzuela

Activist Post

[Editor Note: You may have seen reports earlier this year claiming that vaccinations for pregnant women were completely safe. Those reports came from Norway. If you look at the video and article below, you will see opposite reports pulled from US government and large medical group data. -HC]

Craving customers like vampires drawn to blood, the Manchurian medication junkies seek to create a constant stream of new patients in order to expand their disease-based fear of influence. In this instance, the annual flu shot is being used to facilitate that steady flow of sick people needed to keep the pharmacratical dictatorship marching forward. The veil of delusion that has been firmly draped over the face of the medicated masses has slipped slightly out of place long enough to cast some light on the deceptions being propagated against our youth.

Read the story here

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