Sunday, January 8, 2012

Hidden FDA Studies Show Aspartame Causes Birth Defects

Open Letter to EFSA - More FDA Hidden Studies
showing aspartame causes birth defects: Parliament informed

From Dr. Betty Martini
Dear Sandra:
We knew that when you had the call for data the only thing you would make public was industry studies and propaganda and not all the investigations and independent peer reviewed research we sent you. That's why it was all sent to Parliament at the same time it was sent to you. They know aspartame was never proven safe, that FDA wanted the company indicted, that studies were stripped from the records, and the only reason aspartame was ever marketed for human consumption was through political chicanery of Don Rumsfeld. They all have the link to the independent scientific peer reviewed research and the carcinogenic studies that showed aspartame caused cancer from the very beginning.
Jerome Bressler who worked with the FDA, and author of the infamous Bressler Report requested that I find the two studies FDA stripped from his report because he said it was important that the public be warned about the birth defects. It took 8 years but here they are and Parliament has seen them: The rest of the Bressler Report is on our web site. You recall the UK Parliament was very concerned about putting a warning for birth defects after the Denmark study showing aspartame can jump preterm births 78%. Notice these studies FDA sealed and hid from the public in loyalty to industry has the FDA admitting that aspartame causes birth defects. You can understand now the epidemic in autism. Parliament also knows about all the other recent studies that showed everything from heart attacks, obesity and strokes and elevated fasting blood sugar and cancer.
Now more sealed original studies that were hid from the public and also go into hydrocephalus and cleft palate, etc. were acquired by Dr. Woodrow Monte and are now discussed in his new book on the methanol in aspartame, "When Science Sleeps". Here are those studies: This makes 6 of the original studies showing beyond a shadow of a doubt that aspartame causes birth defects with the FDA admitting it. 
Now let's read some from the book which Parliament should get immediately, also because its on the methanol and formaldehyde issues which Jim McDonald of the UK Aspartame Awareness Campaign has made public. 
"In an article published in 1985 warning about potential health dangers posed by the methanol from aspartame, I stated that the scientific literature contained no studies addressing the critical question as to whether aspartame or methanol would cause birth defects. I was incorrect in saying that, but only because I was purposefully prevented from seeing a key FDA memo dated September 11, 1978 describing the details of birth defects and serious developmental brain damage found in the offspring of laboratory rabbits whose mothers had been fed aspartame during pregnancy. This memo and the research data it describes were keep secret for over thirty years until January of 2011, when the memo was finally released as the result of Freedom of information request."
"In that detailed US Food and Drug Administration memo, which was authored by Dr. Thomas Collins of the Animal Toxicology Branch to the Chief of the Food Additive Evaluation Branch, Collins reports the disturbing discovery of "significant" multiple neural tube (and other) birth defects in rabbit pups whose mothers were fed aspartame during the course of several different toxicity studies done by both G. D. Searle and Hazelton Laboratories between 1974 and 1975. It appeared to be Dr. Collins' assignment to evaluate the studies and his conclusions were stunning: "In both rabbit studies, aspartame appeared to cause birth defects."
"To my knowledge, this book is the first time this memo has been discussed publicly. Like most of the scientific community, I had no idea that aspartame had tested positive for producing neural tube birth defects. It was not until January 16, 2011 that this "smoking gun" memo came into my possession. This is one of many important that were removed from the aspartame Docket File before I was allowed to review it in 1983. Figure 12.1 is an image of the ticket that gave me access to the FDA's "complete" collection of aspartame test data and it does confirm that memos had been removed."
IMPORTANCE of the Collins Memo: Government Collusion Uncovered
"Of the several million chemicals, pesticides and herbicides now in use only an exceedingly small percentage have ever tested positive for causing birth defects. Barely 800 chemicals are known teratogens, producing birth defects in laboratory animals, and "only about twenty of these are known to cause birth defects in the human. Nature has numerous methods, the exact details of which are still unknown to us, for protecting the developing infant. As a last resort she will often call upon the macrophages to destroy a fetus that becomes unfit for life well before the time of birth, in a process called resorption. This is why the occurrence of a deformed fetus in the testing of any chemical is a rare phenomenon and would normally raise a "red flag" to any scientist concerned with public safety. It would be particularly significant if that chemical was being tested for use as a food additive."
"It was not until 20 years after the 1978 FDA memo that methanol was first tested again and found to cause neural tube birth defects in rats and eventually in many other species of laboratory animal. To this day aspartame is not listed as a teratogen because the FDA and G. D. Searle covered up the tests that were performed in 1974 and 1975. Worse yet, during the time they were in possession of this proof of aspartame's teratogenicity, Searle paid to have a faux scientific paper written by one of their employees published in an international fertility journal (which is read by many gynecologists and pediatricians) stressing the safety of aspartame and falsely proclaiming that "aspartame posed no risk" from consumption during pregnancy." ..........
Full report :

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