Thursday, July 28, 2011


Soak up the sun to stay healthy

Wednesday July 27,2011
By Jo Willey, Health Correspondent

MILLIONS of people may be at ­serious risk of ill health because of low levels of vitamin D caused by a lack of sunlight.

Poor levels of the “sunshine vitamin” is putting people in danger of developing type 2 diabetes, researchers have found.

A landmark study in Australia, the largest of its kind, found ­people with high levels of vitamin D are less likely to develop it.

This could lead to at-risk patients using supplements along with diet and exercise to prevent it. Pathologist Dr Ken Sikaris, from Melbourne, co-author of the study, said: “It’s hard to underestimate how important this might be.”

However experts advised ­caution. Dr Victoria King, of ­Diabetes UK, said: “There is growing evidence that shows an association between low levels of vitamin D and an increased risk of Type 2 diabetes but it is ­important to note that whether this actually causes Type 2 ­diabetes is still unknown.

“It is not possible to recommend supplements to reduce the risk based on the results of this study and people should not see this as a quick fix.

Full Story

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