Monday, November 8, 2010

Vaccination rates fall among better educated families

This trend infuriates the vaccine industry and all the shills who push vaccines, of course. Despite all their high-dollar propaganda, expensive advertising and vaccine booths, more and more people are coming to realize that many vaccines are dangerous for childrenand the seasonal flu vaccines in particular offer absolutely no scientifically-validated benefit whatsoever. They are pure quackery and nothing more.

The really interesting thing about this trend is that parents with a higher education are consciously choosing to protect their children from vaccines. Remarkably, the vaccineindustry insists that "they're the stupid ones" because they don't believe the vaccine propaganda. But as it turns out, people are smarter than the vaccine industry thinks, and as they're learning the truth about seasonal flu vaccines, they're making informed, intelligent decisions to protect their children from such vaccines.

Seasonal flu vaccines simply do not work

It's a scientific fact: Seasonal flu vaccines don't work on at least 99% of the population ( You have to vaccinate 100 people, in other words, just to avoid flu symptoms in ONE person -- and that's if you believe the drug company's own clinical trial data! (Which is almost certainly biased in favor of the vaccines.)

The second scientific fact the flu industry conveniently avoids talking about is that vitamin D offers far better protection against flu infections, and it's cheaper, safer and easier to take! Children will gladly chew vitamin D tablets if it means avoiding a jab with a sharp needle.

Vitamin D makes the immune system work

Vitamin D, you see, activates the immune response to flu infections. Virtually everyone who suffers from the flu in the winter is vitamin D deficient. That's why flu season is the winter, by the way: Because that's when everybody is deficient in vitamin D! (

Most likely, the four percent of families who are choosing to avoid flu shots are supplementing their children's diets with vitamin D and other immune-boosting nutrients. So they're actually better off with vitamin D than they would have been with the vaccine!

Vitamin D, by the way, also prevents tuberculosis (, asthma, cancer, kidney disease and nearly a hundred other serious health conditions, including autoimmune disorders. (

Vaccines are only chosen by ignorant people

The vaccine industry is terrified of vitamin D because it knows if the truth about vitamin D becomes widely known, people will stop taking seasonal flu shots and the drug companies will lose billions of dollars.

It has already begun, in fact. In one year, natural health websites like NaturalNews have helped educate the public and reduce dangerous vaccination rates by an astonishing four percent. This is why the vaccine industry is in a panic this year, paying celebrities and TV doctors to appear on posters and television ads, trying to push more seasonal flu vaccines on a population that is increasingly rejecting them for good reason.

It's all going to end up as follows: Within a few years, only the most ignorant people will even consider getting a seasonal flu shot. These are the same people who drink diet soda (a scam), who take diabetes drugs (another scam), who raise money for pink ribbon breast cancer events (an even bigger scam) and who eat processed junk food at every meal. They are the ones who will suffer from conventional medicine while the better informed individuals and families will increasingly reject conventional medicine and seek out healthier, more natural alternatives.

Your immune system is a nanotechnology miracle that already knows how to block viruses and stop the flu. All it needs is to be activated with the right nutrition. Vitamin D does for your immune system what vaccines can never do -- it unleashes a biological miracle that can hunt down and eliminate invading microorganisms and viral fragments, protecting you from all the germs the drug industry wants you to be terrified of.

Don't believe the vaccine quackery and fear mongering. Join the educated crowd that's consciously and intelligently choosing alternatives to vaccines -- alternatives that work better and safer at lower cost, too. With vaccines, remember that you always run the risk of being paralyzed or ending up in the hospital with a coma.

Read the truth about what happened in Australia with seasonal flu vaccines earlier this year: Children suffered vomiting, fevers and seizures. Read it here:

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