Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Quality, Quantity, and Equity in Malaysian Education #1 - by M.Bakri Musa

M. Bakri Musa wrote

Quality, Quantity, and Equity in Malaysian Education

Here is an small excerp:
Quality Education and Economic Development
In referring to the low quality of our labor pool, the New Economic Model Report cites statistics showing that 80 percent of our workers have only SPM level (11 years) of schooling. That surprises me, not the figure rather the fact that the SPM is now viewed as inadequate.
That observation reflects more on the quality of our education system than it does of our workers. For had our education system maintained its quality, and today’s SPM is of the same caliber as the old Cambridge School Certificate “O” Level, then I would argue that our workers are among the most highly educated.

Here is what someone sent me to compliment this article:

gallery thumbnail

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