Activist Post This is not alternative health conspiratorial conjecture.
This has been officially recorded but barely reported. So here is a sampling of recorded disease breakouts among children who were vaccinated for that disease.
Enforcing or increasing vaccine schedules does not really prevent disease; it only increases the chances of worse health or gravely critical adverse reactions, ranging from autistic spectrum disorders (ASD) to decreased immunity and increased poor health.
Some Known Outbreaks of Vaccinated Kids The most recent outbreak occurred in California. The disease was whooping cough, or pertussis. The vaccination that has become a regularly scheduled pediatric ritual is a combination of three vaccines known as DTaP or DTP, which stands for Diptheria – Tetenus – acellular Pertussis.
This three-in-one vaccine cocktail is supposed to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, and pertussis, or whooping cough. The pediatric vaccination schedule calls for administering this cocktail at two, four, six, and 15-18 months of age.
Four vaccinations of three vaccines each administered to children before one and one-half years of age. Dr. David Witt initiated a study after an unusually large number of whooping cough cases were admitted to Kaiser Permanente Hospital in San Rafael, California during 2010.
After examining the records of those stricken with pertussis over an eight month period, Dr. Witt and his team were surprised to learn that the vast majority, 81 percent, of the whooping cough kids had received their full four shot battery of DTaPs or pertussis vaccines alone. Eleven percent of the pertussis victims received some less than four pertusssis vaccinations, while the remaining eight percent were never vaccinated for whooping cough at all.
Please pause and reflect. There’s something obviously wrong with this. Other recent pertussis outbreaks were blindly blamed on unvaccinated kids contaminating vaccinated children, without any investigation.
That, even if true, which Dr. Witt’s survey indicates is not, is something to think about. Vaccinations are supposed to confer immunity, right? This study implies that vaccinated children are infecting the unvaccinated.
The New York Times also reported on this overall trend with their headline “Vaccination Is Steady but Pertussis Is Surging.”
It wasn’t long ago that the New York and New Jersey area had a mumps outbreak. Eighty percent of those kids had been fully vaccinated with the MMR series (measles, mumps, rubella). (Natural News, source below)
In Canada, four studies conducted in 2009 suggested a link with the seasonal flu vaccines’ increasing swine flu or H1H1 infection by up to 250 percent. (Science Daily, source below)
Hiding the Vaccine Dirt Under the Media Rug

But much social enforcement occurs by guilt from the media and medical profession. The mantra of avoiding vaccinations furthers epidemics because “herd immunity” is only granted by vaccinating at least 90 percent of a population -- is nonsense.
Meanwhile, the vaccine manufacturers are protected from liability by the government’s federal National Childhood Vaccine Injury Act (NCVIA) established after a rash of lawsuits from extreme neurological side effects caused by 1980s swine flu vaccines.
This “Vaccine Court” compensates the vaccine injured directly with federal funds and small taxes collected from vaccine manufacturers. It also hides actual cases by not releasing press releases to the lamestream media.
VAERS (vaccine adverse effect reporting system) is another bad joke. It’s estimated that less than five percent of vaccine adverse events get reported, and very few of those hit the MSM. This one did once, years ago - CBS 60 Minutes Documentary.
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