The target for this quadruple vaccine injection? Senior citizens, of course -- the very people most likely to suffer the most serious side effects from a vaccine overdose. The FDA reportedly approved the new vaccine in April even though no scientific tests have ever been done to show it reduces flu symptoms. Then again, since when did vaccines have anything to do with real science in the first place?
Why do people need a quadruple vaccine all of a sudden?
What's especially entertaining about all this is that the FDA's approval of this quadruple potency vaccine is a blatant admission that single-dose vaccines just don't work! Obviously, if the single-dose vaccine was working as advertised, then it would be 100% effective and there would be no need for a double, triple or quadruple-dose vaccine. But all of a sudden, now that the quadruple-dose vaccine is available, the regular single-dose vaccine "isn't good enough."
So all that propaganda about "get a flu shot and you won't get the flu" just turns out to be marketing quackery, because what you really need is a quadruple shot now! Forget the single dose. It's no longer strong enough for you.
So where does this end? When they realize the quadruple shot isn't working either (because seasonal flu vaccines just scientifically do not work on at least 99% of the people), are they going to recommend a ten times the potency flu shot? Seriously... at what point do these vaccine pushers ever stop to consider that maybe the vaccine approach just doesn't work?
More money with higher profit flu shots
Of course, flu shots have never been about what works in the first place. They're about what makes the most money. This new quadruple flu shot is being sold at about twice the price of a regular flu shot.
Meanwhile, there have been absolutely no scientific studies demonstrating that the new quadruple vaccine is any more effective than the single-dose vaccine. Come to think of it, there aren't any scientific studies that prove this year's seasonal flu vaccine is effective in any way whatsoever at preventing the flu. The science has simply never been done. It's all just based on "wishful thinking" combined with massive flu shot propaganda. (
Taking a flu vaccine is a crap shoot, and taking the quadruple super vaccine is just a quadruple crap shoot. People who enjoy playing Russian Roulette with their health will no doubt line up to be injected.
Pseudoscientific quackery
Check out the derision of those pushing this vaccine. The LA Times reports that Dr Mobeen Rathore, a vaccinologist at the University of Florida, said, "If you're somebody who has a reaction from the low-dose vaccine, then I would stick with the low-dose. But if you've been taking the vaccine for years and have no reaction, get the high-dose vaccine. Or if there's nothing else available except the high-dose vaccine, get the high dose. The most important thing is: Get the vaccine. It doesn't matter which one."
And there you have it: They don't really care which flu shot you take as long as you're injecting yourself with something.
Pay attention to what they're NOT telling you about the flu: Doctors, FDA officials and CDC quacks will never admit that the best way to prevent the flu is to take vitamin D3 supplements. It has been scientifically shown to be many times more effective than a vaccine shot (
So why isn't there a big push for quadruple-dose vitamin D supplementation for senior citizens? Because, gee whiz, that might reduce flu shot revenues, cancer clinic profits and hospital visits by seniors -- and they're the bread and butter of sick-care industry profits.
The very last thing our modern medical racket wants is for senior citizens to figure out how to protect their own health without relying on chemical interventions.
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