Reversing diabetes | ||
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(NaturalNews) This is a "must listen" interview for anyone suffering from diabetes, obesity or blood sugar disorders. It's commercial-free and it's a free download of an MP3 file that will play on any computer or MP3 player. What you'll hear in this interview will absolutely astound you -- it rocks the world of conventional medicine and its failed diabetes treatments.
This is an interview with Dr. Gabriel Cousens, founder of the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center in Patagonia, Arizona ( In this audio interview, you'll hear Dr. Cousens describe why and how consuming raw foods really works to initiate dramatic reductions in fasting blood sugar levels, effectively reversing diabetes in a matter of just a few weeks.
This is essentially a cure for diabetes. Not coincidentally, Dr. Cousens is the author of the book There Is A Cure for Diabetes. The book documents the successes of eleven people who went on a raw foods diet and experienced rapid and remarkable improvements in physiology, including:
• Curing of both type-1 and type-2 diabetes.
• Rapid loss of body fat
• Rapid stabilization of blood sugar
• Remarkable improvements in cognitive function
This is a must-listen interview for anyone suffering from diabetes or blood sugar disorders.
For type-2 diabetes, the process described by Dr. Cousens in the interview boasts a 90% - 95% cure rate. This is truly astounding. Nothing from the world of conventional medicine can offer even a 1% cure rate for diabetes.
Diabetes is "incurable?"
Conventional medicine (and the American Diabetes Association) continues to insist that diabetes in incurable. The approach of conventional medicine, based on extremely toxic chemical medications and processed dead foods, simply does not work. It's actually quite toxic to patients rather than healing. Diabetes medications are well known to cause severe liver damage, for example.
But the conscious consumption of raw living foods turns on the body's innate healing processes. This creates a rapid healing response that allows the body to reverse many of the physiological degeneration processes that created disease in the first place. That's why juicing and juice feasting have become such popular self-healing therapies for weight loss, diabetes reversal and enhanced longevity.
Conventional medicine remains utterly ignorant of the healing power of raw living foods, preferring instead to rely on patented chemical medications that simply don't work to heal anyone or anything. No person suffering from diabetes has ever been cured of diabetes through pharmaceutical medications. It has never happened in the history of medicine. And yet type-2 diabetes can be cured at a rate of 90% - 95% with a raw living foods diet.
At the Tree of Life, Dr. Cousens offers a 21-day rejuvenation experience based on living foods. Learn more about the Tree of Life Rejuvenation Center at
Dr. Cousens' book There Is A Cure for Diabetes is available at booksellers everywhere, including
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