Saturday, September 29, 2012
Thursday, September 27, 2012
Study Confirms Flu Shot Makes You Sicker
Catherine J. Frompovich, Contributor
An interesting article appeared in a Canadian newspaper, The Vancouver Sun, about research that found the flu vaccine actually was linked to H1N1 illnesses, the pandemic flu that never materialized in 2008-09, if you remember.
Vancouver researcher Dr. Danuta Skowronski led a team of researchers questioning certain flu virus events that seemed to impact people who received the 2008-09 flu vaccine. Dr. Skowronski, incidentally, is an influenza expert with the B.C. Center for Disease Control.
What captivated Dr. Skowronski’s interest was the fact that those who were vaccinated with the H1N1 pandemic flu virus were the ones who were infected with it rather than people who did not receive the H1N1 flu vaccine. Initially that phenomenon was called the “Canadian problem” since research outside of Canada did not come up with similar findings.
The real ‘kicker’ was that five studies performed in several Canadian provinces found the same results: H1N1 vaccination correlated with pandemic flu virus infection.
Apparently there were some doubts about ‘anecdotal’ findings, so Skowronski’s research team did a study with ferrets. That study’s results were presented at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
What researchers found after working with 32 ferrets was the vaccinated group became significantly sicker than the controls. Eventually, all ferrets recovered. The study was blinded, i.e., researchers didn’t know which ferrets received the 2008 flu shot. Half the ferrets received the flu shot and the balance were given a placebo injection.
Then all ferrets were infected with the H1N1 virus. Those ferrets that were vaccinated became sicker than the non-vaccinated ferrets. Dr. Skowronski said, “The findings are consistent with the increased risk that we saw in the human studies.”
Full report
An interesting article appeared in a Canadian newspaper, The Vancouver Sun, about research that found the flu vaccine actually was linked to H1N1 illnesses, the pandemic flu that never materialized in 2008-09, if you remember.
Vancouver researcher Dr. Danuta Skowronski led a team of researchers questioning certain flu virus events that seemed to impact people who received the 2008-09 flu vaccine. Dr. Skowronski, incidentally, is an influenza expert with the B.C. Center for Disease Control.
What captivated Dr. Skowronski’s interest was the fact that those who were vaccinated with the H1N1 pandemic flu virus were the ones who were infected with it rather than people who did not receive the H1N1 flu vaccine. Initially that phenomenon was called the “Canadian problem” since research outside of Canada did not come up with similar findings.
The real ‘kicker’ was that five studies performed in several Canadian provinces found the same results: H1N1 vaccination correlated with pandemic flu virus infection.
Apparently there were some doubts about ‘anecdotal’ findings, so Skowronski’s research team did a study with ferrets. That study’s results were presented at the Interscience Conference on Antimicrobial Agents and Chemotherapy.
What researchers found after working with 32 ferrets was the vaccinated group became significantly sicker than the controls. Eventually, all ferrets recovered. The study was blinded, i.e., researchers didn’t know which ferrets received the 2008 flu shot. Half the ferrets received the flu shot and the balance were given a placebo injection.
Then all ferrets were infected with the H1N1 virus. Those ferrets that were vaccinated became sicker than the non-vaccinated ferrets. Dr. Skowronski said, “The findings are consistent with the increased risk that we saw in the human studies.”
Full report
Wednesday, September 26, 2012
The top 10 breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's GMO corn
The top 10 popular breakfast cereals most likely to contain Monsanto's GM corn
Which cereals contain no GMOs? Nature's Path There is only one brand of breakfast cereal I know of that's 100% non-GMO and 100% organic across their entire product line. That company is Nature's Path: If you buy breakfast cereal, and you don't want to eat Monsanto's GM corn, always choose cereals from Nature's Path. This is my No. 1 most highly trusted cereal company. Many "natural" brands that appear to be healthful and natural are actually not organic or GMO-free. For example, "Barbara's Bakery" cereals are not organic. Although they are positioned in store shelves alongside other organic cereals, they are actually made with conventional crops grown with pesticides which may include Monsanto's Roundup. You may also notice that most of the cereals most likely to contain GM corn are children's cereals. It is the children in America who are being fed the most GMOs. This represents a highly unethical food experiment being conducted on an entire generation, and the long-term effects of human consumption of GMOs are simply not known. Learn more:
Which cereals contain no GMOs? Nature's Path There is only one brand of breakfast cereal I know of that's 100% non-GMO and 100% organic across their entire product line. That company is Nature's Path: If you buy breakfast cereal, and you don't want to eat Monsanto's GM corn, always choose cereals from Nature's Path. This is my No. 1 most highly trusted cereal company. Many "natural" brands that appear to be healthful and natural are actually not organic or GMO-free. For example, "Barbara's Bakery" cereals are not organic. Although they are positioned in store shelves alongside other organic cereals, they are actually made with conventional crops grown with pesticides which may include Monsanto's Roundup. You may also notice that most of the cereals most likely to contain GM corn are children's cereals. It is the children in America who are being fed the most GMOs. This represents a highly unethical food experiment being conducted on an entire generation, and the long-term effects of human consumption of GMOs are simply not known. Learn more:
Wednesday, September 19, 2012
Tuesday, September 18, 2012
Grandfather, 78, beat 'incurable' cancer by changing his diet
Extraordinary story of the man who got 'all-clear' after swapping red meat and dairy products for 10 fruit and veg a day
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A grandfather, who was told by doctors that his cancer was 'incurable', has been given the all-clear less than four months later - after trying a different diet.
Allan Taylor could have been forgiven for fearing the worst when doctors told him they could do nothing to treat his condition.
But the 78-year-old would not give up, and instead searched the internet for an alternative method to fight his cancer.
After studying websites, he decided to radically change his diet - and found his condition improved dramatically.
Mr Taylor, a retired oil rig engineer from Middlesbrough, replaced red meat and dairy products with 10 portions of raw fruit and veg each day.
His diet included powdered grass, curry spices, apricot seeds and selenium tablets.
Mr Taylor made the changes after he received a letter on April 30, telling them were was no point having any more chemotherapy as it would not cure him and neither would an operation.
'They said if they cut out the cancer it would just pop up somewhere else,' he told the Sunday Mirror.
'But I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own cure.
'I was determined to stay positive and decided to find my own cure'
'On August 6 I got a letter from North Tees hospital to say a scan had shown my cancer had gone and "the abnormality is no longer visible". I’m all clear.'
Mr Taylor's ordeal began in February last year when he noticed a two-inch lump in his abdomen. He was sent for a scan and told he had colon cancer.
Last September he underwent an operation, during which a surgeon removed a nine-inch section of his colon, and he began a three-month course of chemotherapy.
But in April this year he was told the cancer had spread to small intestine.
Mr Taylor responded by tapping the words 'colon cancer cures' into an internet search engine.
He used the information, together with advice from his local health food store, to devise his new diet.
He believes that having a teaspoon of powdered barley grass in hot water every morning and night was particularly crucial.
'There is no question in my mind that my diet saved my life,' he said. 'And all it cost was £30 a week.'
Mr Taylor learned he had the all-clear in a letter sent from North Tees hospitalRead more:
PUBLISHED: 14:30 GMT, 16 September 2012 | UPDATED: 08:26 GMT, 17 September 2012
Saturday, September 15, 2012
Friday, September 14, 2012
Aspartame: Safety Approved In 90 Nations, But Damages Brain
Posted on:
Tuesday, September 11th 2012 at 12:00 pm
Written by:
Sayer Ji, founder
A new study on aspartame has the potential to reignite the decades-old controversy behind this artificial sweetener's safety, or lack thereof. As far back as 1996, folks were writing about the potential link between aspartame and increasing brain tumor rates.[i] Indeed, its intrinsicneurotoxicity and carcinogenicity has been confirmed in the biomedical literature. And yet, aspartame has been approved for use in thousands of consumer products in over 90 countries, [ii]and is still being consumed by millions worldwide on a daily basis – despite the fact that over 40adverse health effects of aspartame have been documented.
The new study, published in the September edition of the Journal of Bioscience and titled, "Effect of chronic exposure to aspartame on oxidative stress in the brain of albino rats," aimed to test the hypothesis that chronic consumption of aspartame may be causing neurological damage in exposed populations.
They found that chronic (90 day) administration of aspartame to rats, at ranges only 50% above what the FDA considers safe for human consumption, resulted in blood and brain tissue changes consistent with brain damage.
Aspartame is metabolized into three distinct components: aspartic acid, methanol and phenylalanine. While aspartic acid is a well-known excitotoxin, phenylalanine only presents a serious health concern to those with a genetic disorder known as phenyletonuria. Methanol, on the other hand, is far more problematic, as it is not naturally found in significant quantities in the human diet.
According to a recent review
Until 200 years ago, methanol was an extremely rare component of the human diet and is still rarely consumed in contemporary hunter and gatherer cultures. With the invention of canning in the 1800s, canned and bottled fruits and vegetables, whose methanol content greatly exceeds that of their fresh counterparts, became far more prevalent. The recent dietary introduction of aspartame, an artificial sweetener 11% methanol by weight, has also greatly increased methanol consumption.[iii]
Moreover, the aspartame metabolite methanol (also known as wood alcohol) is highly toxic and is metabolized into the known human carcinogen formaldehyde and formic acid,[iv] which is known to be highly toxic to the central nervous system. Considering the fact that the normal human body temperature is approximately 98.6 degrees Farenheit, and that aspartame will convert to its toxic metabolites at temperatures as low as 86 degrees Farenheit, the finding that aspartame is neurotoxic to animals is not a surprise. The authors of the new study surmised that the observed adverse brain changes were due to the generation of oxidative stress in brain regions.
Aspartame, of course, is a proprietary synthetic chemical not found in nature, and exists primarily because plants like stevia, which have significant, clinically-substantiated healing properties, can be grown in your back yard for free and are therefore not profitable commodities that can be produced and controlled only by a few.
But, aspartame is not the only toxic sweetener on the market. A growing body of research now shows that sucralose, known by the brand-name Splenda, is also capable of suppressing the immune system, causing inflammatory bowel conditions such as Crohn's and ulcerative colitis, migraine headaches, and DNA damage.[v]
The trick is to stick with naturally occurring compounds, whose sweetness is not associated with adverse health effects. Below is a list of natural alternatives, along with the number of potential health benefits associated with each, as indexed on our website.
Compounds whose sweetness is not associated with adverse health effects
- Honey (69)
- Xylitol (21)
- Erythritol (2)
- Stevia (16)
[i] J W Olney, N B Farber, E Spitznagel, L N Robins. Increasing brain tumor rates: is there a link to aspartame? J Neuropathol Exp Neurol. 1996 Nov;55(11):1115-23. PMID: 8939194
[ii] "Aspartame". Sugar Substitutes. Health Canada. Archived from the original on October 09 2008. Retrieved 2008-11-08.
[iii] Woodrow C Monte. Methanol: a chemical Trojan horse as the root of the inscrutable U. Med Hypotheses. 2010 Mar;74(3):493-6. Epub 2009 Nov 5. PMID: 19896282
[iv] Harris, Gardiner (10 June 2011). "Government Says 2 Common Materials Pose Risk of Cancer". New York Times. Retrieved 2011-06-11.
[v], Sucralose Toxicity Research
Thursday, September 13, 2012
Wednesday, September 12, 2012
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
Viruses and the GM Insect "Flying Vaccine" Solution for Malaysia
Update followup report 9 Sept 2012
GM insect company Oxitec today published results of its trials of genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes in the Cayman Islands in 2010 (1). The results were originally submitted to the journal Science in January 2011 but have now finally been published in Nature Biotechnology (1). The paper shows that Oxitec has no clear baseline for claims made in the press that it achieved an 80% reduction in the target population of mosquitoes, and that to achieve the claimed effect it significantly increased the number of adult GM mosquitoes it expected to release and also released additional GM pupae at locations spaced at 70 to 90m apart across the release site
Full Report Here
Follow up report
Sun, Jun 24th, 2012
Updated reports 2112 2010
Tuesday, September 11, 2012
GM mosquito trial results in Cayman prove ineffective in tackling dengue
Full Report Here

Sun, Jun 24th, 2012
Genetically Engineered Mosquitoes Released Into The Wild
Australian research scientists have developed a strategy for fighting Dengue fever, a viral disease spread by mosquitoes that affects more than 50 million people annually and causes fever and crippling joint and muscle pain—and in some cases even death.
Dengue kills FAR more people worldwide than influenza, yet it is rarely even mentioned by Western media.
A bacterium named Wolbachiapipientis naturally infects many insect species and has the ability to interfere with its host’s reproductive ability in such a way that entire populations become infected within just a few generationsi. When Wolbachia infects mosquitoes, the mosquitoes’ ability to transmit Dengue virus is almost completely blocked.
Updated reports 2112 2010
Click Here for The Debate
GM mosquitoes: 'Cayman Islands unreliable model'
By G Vinod
PETALING JAYA: The Malaysian public are in the best position to decide if the soon-to-be-released genetically modified (GM) mosquitoes is the most effective method to combat the dengue menace.
GeneWatch United Kingdom (UK), a non-profit group that monitors genetic engineering issues worldwide, however, said adequate information must be provided by Oxitec Limited, the producers of the GM mosquitoes.
Its director, Helen Wallace, said that Oxitec cannot use the Cayman Islands' project in 2007, which it touted as a success, as a model for the latest experiment. This is because the island did not have biosafety regulations in place to evaluate the effectiveness of the GM mosquitoes.
“The Cayman Islands is not even a member of the Aarhus Convention or Biosafety Protocol to the Convention on Biological Diversity which would require it to consult the public and produce an environmental risk assessment before releasing GM mosquitoes into the environment.
“Cayman Islands appears to have been used by Oxitec to bypass the regulatory requirements that apply in the US or the European Union (EU),” she said.
The Malaysian government is keenly promoting the GM mosquito project using the Cayman Islands as the model to justify the proposed release in stages of the GM mosquitioes into several parts of the country, saying that the Cayman project had managed to reduce the Aedes population by 80%.
Wallace, however, dismissed the figures, saying that there has been no documented proof to substantiate the claims by Oxitec.
“The company now says it is producing an environmental impact assessment following the Cayman Islands project, but nothing has been made public. It still has not addressed concerns over the impact of the long-term release of GM mosquitoes,” she said.
Company making losses
Oxitec, which had been running at a loss since 2008, had thus far been evading scrutiny by the Malaysian public, said Wallace.
Click here to Read related article on Viruses and the GM Insect "Flying Vaccine" Solution by Brandon Turbeville Activist Post
Monday, September 10, 2012
Fragments of foreign DNA and other substances from vaccinations found in sick, disabled and dying children
by Christina England
September 5, 2012
This week an important paper by Leslie Carol Botha hit the Internet by storm.
This revolutionary paper titled Unveiling the Culprit - Is Foreign DNA Contamination the Autistic Villain behind Biologic Vaccine Injuries, is one of the first papers to discuss various foreign DNA fragments being discovered in sick, disabled and dying children after they have received various childhood vaccinations.

Over the past six years, Ms Botha has been heavily involved and dedicated to using her print and broadcast experience to share information with the public about the potential dangers of the HPV vaccines.
She is a member of TruthAboutGardasil and is one of six women who, in March 2010, presented research and data to the FDA on the alarming statistics of Gardasil and Cervarix deaths, injuries and harm in comparison to other vaccines.
She was also a founding member and the former Vice President of Public Relations for S.A.N.E. Vax, Inc organization dedicated to educating the public about the safety and efficacy of vaccinations. In March of 2010, Botha was an invited speaker at the British Society for Ecological Medicine Conference in London where she presented science-based information and research on the dangers of the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix.
Ms Botha is currently the Women's Health Freedom Coalition Coordinator for the Natural Solutions Foundation.
Botha claims that foreign DNA is a term of which most medical consumers are unaware. She believes that it is common sense for professionals to question the safety of foreign DNA – otherwise known as recombinant DNA, stating that:
"Even the American Biologic Safety Association (ABSA) has classified recombinant DNA a biohazard and has outlined specific directives on the handling of such contaminants".
Botha says that according to a supporting document written by the Coalition of Vaccine Safety, the presence of dormant and relict viral sequences in the human and other animal genomes has been known for at least 20 years. These include human retroviral sequences that have been identified in live viral vaccines grown in human cells.
She says the document reports that: (Read Full Report Here)
This week an important paper by Leslie Carol Botha hit the Internet by storm.
This revolutionary paper titled Unveiling the Culprit - Is Foreign DNA Contamination the Autistic Villain behind Biologic Vaccine Injuries, is one of the first papers to discuss various foreign DNA fragments being discovered in sick, disabled and dying children after they have received various childhood vaccinations.
Over the past six years, Ms Botha has been heavily involved and dedicated to using her print and broadcast experience to share information with the public about the potential dangers of the HPV vaccines.
She is a member of TruthAboutGardasil and is one of six women who, in March 2010, presented research and data to the FDA on the alarming statistics of Gardasil and Cervarix deaths, injuries and harm in comparison to other vaccines.
She was also a founding member and the former Vice President of Public Relations for S.A.N.E. Vax, Inc organization dedicated to educating the public about the safety and efficacy of vaccinations. In March of 2010, Botha was an invited speaker at the British Society for Ecological Medicine Conference in London where she presented science-based information and research on the dangers of the HPV vaccines, Gardasil and Cervarix.
Ms Botha is currently the Women's Health Freedom Coalition Coordinator for the Natural Solutions Foundation.
Botha claims that foreign DNA is a term of which most medical consumers are unaware. She believes that it is common sense for professionals to question the safety of foreign DNA – otherwise known as recombinant DNA, stating that:
"Even the American Biologic Safety Association (ABSA) has classified recombinant DNA a biohazard and has outlined specific directives on the handling of such contaminants".
Botha says that according to a supporting document written by the Coalition of Vaccine Safety, the presence of dormant and relict viral sequences in the human and other animal genomes has been known for at least 20 years. These include human retroviral sequences that have been identified in live viral vaccines grown in human cells.
She says the document reports that: (Read Full Report Here)
Children in danger from exposure to common chemicals, new studies confirm
(NaturalNews) Although the mainstream medical establishment and the FDA frequently warn against the supposed dangers of alternative health treatments and supplements, they hardly ever mention the perfectly legal and widely used chemical poisons that enter our bodies through the environment. What's more, the EPA has also done little to keep many health-endangering chemicals out of widely-used consumer products. Now, two new studies reveal countless children could be suffering breathing problems due to some of these common chemical threats.
A case in point: researchers from the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH) at the Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia University Medical Center have determined that youngsters exposed during the prenatal period to the widely used pesticide additive piperonyl butoxide (PBO) have an increased risk of developing a chronic cough at ages 5 and 6. Their study, just published in the online edition of the journal Environment International, provides evidence that a child's respiratory system is susceptible to damage from toxic exposures while still in the womb. While not due to an infection, a chronic childhood cough can seriously disrupt normal daytime activities and severely disturb sleep for both kids and their parents.
So what exactly is PBO? It's a compound that increases effects of pyrethroids which are found in the pesticides most commonly used by both professional pest controllers and consumers, according to a 2011 study by Mailman School researchers. Previous research showed exposure to one pyrethroid, a variation of permethrin, was especially linked with increased risk for cough by age five. The new study found that children exposed to PBO during pregnancy had an increased risk of coughing unrelated to cold or flu.
Read full report here
A case in point: researchers from the Columbia Center for Children's Environmental Health (CCCEH) at the Mailman School of Public Health and Columbia University Medical Center have determined that youngsters exposed during the prenatal period to the widely used pesticide additive piperonyl butoxide (PBO) have an increased risk of developing a chronic cough at ages 5 and 6. Their study, just published in the online edition of the journal Environment International, provides evidence that a child's respiratory system is susceptible to damage from toxic exposures while still in the womb. While not due to an infection, a chronic childhood cough can seriously disrupt normal daytime activities and severely disturb sleep for both kids and their parents.
So what exactly is PBO? It's a compound that increases effects of pyrethroids which are found in the pesticides most commonly used by both professional pest controllers and consumers, according to a 2011 study by Mailman School researchers. Previous research showed exposure to one pyrethroid, a variation of permethrin, was especially linked with increased risk for cough by age five. The new study found that children exposed to PBO during pregnancy had an increased risk of coughing unrelated to cold or flu.
Read full report here
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