A short story of being penny wise but pound foolish.
I got to know of the health solution Heart & Body Extract from my favorite radio station the Jeff Rense and CoasttoCoastAM. I had been listening to its advertisement for years but only took action to purchase it online a month or so ago.
My first order was for the 100ml bottle which is a 2 month supply and being unsure of my online order which was coming all the way from Canada to over here in Malaysia, I paid for the more expensive option for shipment with tracking
To my surprise, in less than a week I had received it delivered via local courier service! Definitely a pleasant surprise since I was expecting a wait of at least a month or so - that is if it would actually arrive at all, knowing the postal service or customs in this part of the world.
Anyway, the solution Heart & Body Extract turned out to be a fantastic elixir of life! After taking it for just one week I felt so much more energetic; literally no more 'lead head' feeling in the mornings and gone was my shortness in breath or dizzy spells - I mean I literally felt 10 years younger.
So I ordered another batch, this time 3 bottles for a 6 month supply. But as the title of this short story goes, I stinged on the shipment cost and paid for one that didn't have tracking - so you guessed it - it's been more than a month now and counting, and nothing's in sight.
Of course H&B sent it but its evident that the package got lost or was stolen, no thanks to local post service or worse, the corrupt customs of Malaysia.
When I related this to Sharon Harris of H&B (what an honor to correspond with the THE co-creator of H&B extract), she surprised me by saying that she will resend me a package - pay later when and if all goes well, she said.
What an example of goodwill and trust unheard of these days!
Long story short - when you know of something as invaluable as Heart & Body Extract, don't be a dummy like me and blow it with small thinking stinging on shipping costs.
Heart & Body Extract - it made my heart bigger and has clearly help with my small mind too!
Check out Heart and Body Extract Documents here, here, here and here (ingredients)