Monday, January 24, 2011

Dr. Confesses Cancer & Other Viruses are Present in Vaccines

Ask yourself, your friends, family and work associates if they know the answers to the following questions about Carbon Dioxide (CO2).

Read this PDF report here
-- Gregg D Thompson

50 Incredibly Weird Facts About the Human Body

50 Incredibly Weird Facts About the Human Body

FEBRUARY 22, 2010

As long as we make efforts to take care of ourselves and live healthy, there is a good chance that our bodies will serve us well for a long time. Our bodies truly are amazing. You might be surprised at what your body is capable of after reading these 50 weird facts about the human body.

Read these fascinating facts here

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The flu vaccine industry's fairy tales are rapidly collapsing

The flu vaccine industry's fairy tales are rapidly collapsing to the point where even medical authorities are now telling people to avoid buying flu vaccines.

Here's why the vaccine industry's attempt to push its quack-derived vaccine propaganda has actually backfiredand caused more people than ever to become aware of the fact that seasonal flu vaccines simply don't work:

Seven = Two

Friday, January 14, 2011

Gardasil Exposed - Deadly vaccine pushed on millions of young boys and girls worldwide

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Gardasil is a vaccination that has been linked to multiple deaths and over 8,000 adverse reactions. Recently, the FDA approved this deadly injection to be used against anal cancer. This means that in addition to pushing Gardasil on millions of young men and women to "prevent" the human papillomavirus (HPV), Gardasil is now marketed towards men and women up to age 26 as a "preventative" tool against anal cancer. As of January 2010, Gardasil has been linked to 49 deaths and countless side-effects, while cancer associated with HPV is only responsible for 1% of all cancer deaths. Why then, is it being recommended to millions worldwide?

As of June 2009, 15 million girls have been injected with the Gardasil vaccine. Out of 15 million people, 49 deaths may not seem like a lot. Unfortunately, however, there are many more cases of extreme side effects from the vaccination. In fact, the amount of adverse reactions was so high that Judicial Watch, a group that claims to expose government corruption, was forced to step in. Between May 2009 and September 2010 alone, Gardasil was linked to 3,589 harmful reactions and 16 deaths. Of the 3,589 adverse reactions, many were debilitating. Permanent disability was the result of 213 cases; 25 resulted in the diagnosis of Guillain-Barre Syndrome; and there were 789 other "serious" reports according to FDA documents.

In August 2008, the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) required all female immigrants between the ages of 11 and 26 to receive at least one dose of the Gardasil vaccination if they planned on entering the United States. The enforcement was due to a law created in 1996 that required immigrants to receive any vaccination that was recommended by the United States government. The difference between the citizens of the U.S. and the immigrants seeking refuge within the country, is that the citizens can refuse any vaccination they do not wish to receive. While the requirement was lifted on December 14, 2009, countless immigrants were affected. This held especially true for the female immigrants who intended to have children. According to reports, 28 women experienced miscarriages within 30 days of receiving the Gardasil injection. In response, the FDA said it is not worth investigating. Going against the FDA claims that Gardasil was completely safe, some government officials expressed concern over the fact that Gardasil was ever recommended for U.S. citizens.

"If we had known about it, we would have said it's not a good idea," said Jon Abramson, the former chairman of the CDC's Advisory Committee for Immunization Practices.

Dr. Diane Harper was the lead researcher during the creation of both Gardasil and a similar vaccine, Cervarix. Leading the research team gave Dr. Harper an inside look at the effects of Gardasil, which she has been exposing for over a year. Dr. Harper said that Gardasil would do very little to fight cervical cancer, and at the very least it should not be recommended to children younger than 15.

Unfortunately, the CDC did not agree, boasting about the anti-cancer effects of Gardasil and even going as far as to recommend it to girls as young as 9. Dr. Harper says that 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves within a year, and within 2 years the percentage climbs to 90%. During an address at the 4th International Public Conference on Vaccination, Dr. Harper explained the risks associated with Gardasil. Instead of promoting the vaccine, which was expected of her, she told the truth. The audience was dazzled.

"I came away from the talk with the perception that the risk of adverse side effects is so much greater than the risk of cervical cancer, I couldn't help but question why we need the vaccine at all," said Joan Robinson, Assistant Editor at the Population Research Institute.

Experts have spoken out, and the documents have been released. Gardasil is a deadly injection that claims to treat an infection that has a 90% chance to resolve itself within two years. With Rick Perry's failed attempt to force Gardasil on Texan schoolgirls, it is easy to see that the world has awoken to the truth regarding Gardasil. The research is clear: stay away from this poison serum.


About the author

Anthony Gucciardi is a health activist and wellness researcher, whose goal is centered around educating the general public as to how they may obtain optimum health. He has authored countless articles highlighting the benefits of natural health, as well as exposing the pharmaceutical industry. Anthony is the creator of Shatter Limits (, a natural health website. Anthony has been accurately interpreting national and international events for years within his numerous political articles. Anthony's articles have been seen by millions around the world, and hosted on multiple top news websites.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Man dies of swine flu despite vaccine

ZAGREB, Croatia — A Croatian doctor says a 46-year-old man has died of swine flu even though he had been vaccinated against it.

Dr. Ante Beus, head of the Infective Disease Clinic in Zagreb, says the man — the country's third flu fatality this season — did not respond to the vaccine he received a month ago.
People should develop immunity after two weeks.

Beus said Wednesday that the man, who died this week, was obese and had diabetes and several other illnesses, which might have prevented vaccine from working. Doctors are studying the case.

Croatian health authorities urge people to get the shots, but many are reluctant.
More than 20 people died last year in Croatia during the global swine flu outbreak. About 1,000 are believed to be infected now.

Copyright 2011 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed.

Monday, January 10, 2011

Fears over mutating swine flu virus that could render vaccine useless

A research team has hurriedly been re-formed to investigate whether the swine flu virus has started to mutate in a way that will render the vaccine ineffective.

Senior Government scientists have already discovered slight genetic mutations in the H1N1 virus.

They are checking whether this is causing some people to be more severely affected, although there is no evidence at this stage to suggest the changes would stop the vaccine working or prevent the anti-viral drug Tamiflu from being effective.

Read more:

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Autism-vaccine researcher a ‘fraud’, says medical journal

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WASHINGTON, Jan 6 2011 — Dr. Andrew Wakefield, the-now disgraced British doctor who published studies linking vaccines with autism, committed an “elaborate fraud” by faking data, the British Medical Journal said yesterday.

The journal’s editors said it was not possible that Wakefield made a mistake but must have faked the data for his study, which convinced thousands of parents that vaccines are dangerous and which is blamed for ongoing outbreaks of measles and mumps.

The journal, commonly nicknamed the BMJ, supported its position with a series of articles by a journalist who used medical records and interviews to show that Wakefield falsified data.

For instance, the reports found that Wakefield, who included data from only 12 children in his report, studied at least 13 and that several showed symptoms of autism before having been vaccinated.

Fears that vaccines might cause autism have not only caused parents to skip vaccinating their children, but have forced costly reformulations of many vaccines.

“Who perpetrated this fraud? There is no doubt that it was Wakefield,” BMJ editor Dr. Fiona Godlee, deputy editor Jane Smith and associate editor Harvey Marcovitch wrote in a commentary, available online at

In 1998, The Lancet medical journal, a rival to the BMJ, published a study by Wakefield and colleagues linking the combined measles, mumps and rubella (MMR) vaccine with autism.

The other researchers withdrew their names from the study and The Lancet formally retracted the paper in February.

Wakefield denied the allegations.

“The study is not a lie. The findings that we have made have been replicated in five countries around the world,” Wakefield told CNN television yesterday.

A disciplinary panel of Britain’s General Medical Council said last February that Wakefield had presented his research in an “irresponsible and dishonest” way and had brought the medical profession into disrepute.

Godlee and colleagues said the work “was based not on bad science but on a deliberate fraud”.

“Clear evidence of falsification of data should now close the door on this damaging vaccine scare,” they added.

Many experts have tried to show that vaccines might cause autism. Newer suspicions have focused on thimerosal, a mercury-based preservative once used in many vaccines and since removed from childhood vaccines.

But no studies have shown any clear link. The US Institute of Medicine has issued several reports saying not only is there no evidence of a link, but urging researchers to look elsewhere for possible causes of autism, which affects an estimated 1 in 110 children in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention.

The US Center for Disease Control says nearly 40 per cent of US parents have some mistrust of childhood vaccines. — Reuters

Listen to Dr Wakefield here on this topic

Monday, January 3, 2011

MSG For You And A Coffin, Too! By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.

MSG For You And A Coffin, Too!
Ajinomoto Bribes US Dept of Agriculture and
University Professors to Sanctify Poisons

By Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum.

Hundreds of medical studies and thousands, Nay, millions of victim accounts, irrevocably establish that monosodium glutamate, Ajinomotos chemical flavor enhancer, is a deadly, systemic, neurotoxic poison that eradicates your mind and health.

In 1994 renowned Neurosurgeon and Professor Russell Blaylock, M.D., 27 year practitioner of the most delicate and demanding field of surgery: on the brain and nervous system, the pinnacle of medical expertise, released his book Excitotoxins, the Taste that Kills, which plainly explains how MSG certainly destroys you...

MSG is not the only taste enhancing food additive known to cause damage to the nervous system. In fact, there is a whole class of chemicals that can produce very similar damage they all share one important property. When neurons are exposed to these substances, they become very excited and fire their impulses very rapidly until they reach a state of extreme exhaustion. Several hours later these neurons suddenly die, as if the cells were exited to death.

Neuroscientists have dubbed this class of chemicals excitotoxins. More and more diseases of the nervous system are being linked to excitotoxin build-up in the brain. For example disorders such as strokes, brain injury, hypoglycemic brain damage, seizures, migraine headaches, hypoxic brain damage, and even AIDS dementia have been linked to excitotoxin damage. [The class of excitotoxins includes murderous aspartame, NutraSweet, Equal, which Ajinomoto recently renamed AminoSweet since their sales are in the toilet.

Similarly MSG is a venom of 100 aliases: glutamate, hydrolyzed plant protein, sodium caseinate, etc, etc, etc]

In his chapter Effect Excitotoxins on the Developing Brain, Dr. Blaylock tells how MSG ruins children: Excess glutamate can trigger abnormal nervous system development by interfering with the establishment of proper nerve connections, that is the wiring of the brain the onset of these behavioral and learning disorders may not show up immediately but rather may be delayed for many years following birth because of the timing of the onset of specialized brain functions. Injury to the speech areas of the brain, for example, would not be evident in the newborn baby, but would be evident when the child began to learn to speak.

Likewise, damage to areas of the brain concerned with complex learning skills would not be evident until the child started school and was exposed to math and reading. There is an entire library of scientific documentation on MSG toxicity for you to investigate on the web. This is bad for the Japanese MSG maker, Ajinomoto. They have zero interest in you or your familys health. They just want the money!

Consider what debased evil minds, wicked, devoid of conscience, malignant, twisted, perverse and demonic, that intentionally loose dread poisons on humanity with full knowledge of the agony, suffering, poverty, ruined lives, foreclosed futures, desolation and death they inevitably produce. Is there a name for such foul criminal scum? I give you Joseph Mengele, the Nazi Angle of Death who hideously tortured thousands of screaming victims just for the damned fun of it. In the name of good Science, of course. And I give you Susan Schiffman, Ph.D., who published Perception of Taste and Smell in the Elderly encouraging MSG in foods for seniors, so theyll eat more. I also give you Univ/ Nebraskas Dr. Steve Taylor.

These profane Angles of Desolation and their ilk can find no better use for their brains and fancy educations than pushing poisons on their countrymen. Shame! Equally guilty are their cohorts at Univ/California at Davis, plus the Department of Agriculture, which will be funded by Ajinomoto for the two year research, conclusion foreknown: MSG will be blessed.

When corporations fund regulatory agencies, said agencies work no more for taxpayers but become company stooges with fat budgets, bigger bonuses, and all those plane rides! Think of it as the District Attorney working for the Godfather. Today In America theres always some venal overpaid money grubbing bureaucratic Judas to cheerfully sell you out. Jack Samuels who has the MSG web site, also has some comments. If Jack Samuels were to get MSG he could go in anaphylactic shock. This is how serious the issue is.

Several weeks ago, the Truth in Labeling Campaign became aware of the fact that the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has joined with Ajinomoto Co., Inc. to conduct a two year study at the University of California, Davis to determine the benefits of monosodium glutamate for people who are dieting to lose weight or maintain weight.

According to the press release from Ajinomoto Co., Inc., the worlds largest producer of the food ingredient monosodium glutamate, the purpose of the study is to establish that by using monosodium glutamate on prepared foods, food flavor will be enhanced, and the subjects will be more satisfied with the reduced amounts of food required to lose and/or maintain weight. All of the subjects will be women. (See ( ).

We find it interesting, and distressing, to find that the USDA is spending our tax dollars on an industry-designed study undertaken to establish that ingestion of Ajinomotos neurotoxic and endocrine disrupting product, monosodium glutamate, will be useful in controlling obesity.

For many years, Ajinomoto Co., Inc. has been funding researchers at the University of California, Davis to produce studies promoting the Ajinomoto Co., Inc. product, with some of the funds being for the University of California, Davis to cover related expenses.
We find it interesting that the expressed intent of this study contradicts work done by industry agents such as Susan S. Schiffman, Ph. D. who in 1993, published a paper entitled Perception of Taste and Smell in the Elderly in which she encouraged the use of monosodium glutamate in foods for the elderly on the basis that it will taste better and the elderly will, therefore, eat more. Over the years, Dr. Schiffman, often with glutamate industry agent, Dr. Steve Taylor of the University of Nebraska, would include this claim in talks to groups responsible for food service.

It should come as no surprise that a governmental food safety agency is cooperating with the glutamate industry. For some background on this subject, go to to access a peer reviewed, published paper entitled The Toxicity/Safety of Processed Free Glutamic Acid (MSG): A Study in Suppression of Information. Read, under the section entitled Defenders of the Safety of MSG, the sub-sections entitled Agencies of the United States Government and People and Organizations Influenced by Glutamate Industry Agents. All one has to do to realize that monosodium glutamate is a major factor in the obesity epidemic is to access MEDLINE at and type in monosodium glutamate, obesity. There are well over 200 references to studies listed that demonstrate that monosodium glutamate can cause obesity.

It is time that our governmental agencies involved in food safety begin to protect consumers rather than spending money to represent the interests of industry. Everyone who reads this should contact their representatives in Washington to express their feelings about the USDAs cooperation with Ajinomoto Co., Inc. We believe that the contract discussed above should be cancelled by the USDA.

Jack L. Samuels President Truth in Labeling Campaign

Obviously, this issue has been answered for decades. . MSG is known as an excitotoxin, one that makes you fat.
Why would you investigate a product that causes obesity like MSG for benefits in weight management? Here are reports by Doctors Ralph Walton and Sandra Cabot: Studies show that mice fed MSG become grossly obese.

Now consider MSG research. In 1993 Jack Samuels, President of the Truth in Labeling Campaign, was reviewing FDA docket files relating to an FDA study on the safety of amino acids in supplements. In the files, he found a letter dated March 22, 1991, from Andrew G. Ebert, PhD, Chairman, International Glutamate Technical Committee - a glutamate industry organization in which Ebert admitted that aspartame had been used since at least 1978 in test and placebo materials that his organization provided to scientists who study the safety of MSG.

A review of studies conducted with the above referenced test material clearly indicates that some subjects reacted to both MSG test material and placebo material. Scientists conducting such studies concluded that since subjects reacted to both MSG and placebos, their reactions were not from MSG. Even though such logic is highly questionable, we now know that subjects reacted to placebos because of the presence of aspartame, an additive that causes MSG-type responses in MSG sensitive people. Because of the disclosure of the use of aspartame in placebo material by Jack Samuels, the Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology in its July 1995 report on the safety of MSG in food, concluded that the use of aspartame in placebo materials was inappropriate. The word dishonest seems more appropriate. Knowing that MSG reacts and there is no way to stop that from happening by using aspartame they could now say MSG did not react any more than the placebo. The placebo is supposed to be inert.

The FDA knew this was wrong and illegal and allowed it for 25 years. Who knows, it may still be done. Yet the FDA has raided supplement makers for nothing more than products used for good health, and think nothing of sending these good people to jail. Yet they allowed the glutamate industry to break the law for a quarter of a century. To make matters worse Congress just approved S 510 giving the FDA (the Fatal Drugs Allowed folks) even more power. Its time contributions from Big Pharma and chemical companies be discontinued. They cant stop the problems caused by these industries as long as they receive money from them. Congress needs to listen to the people and think of the world they are leaving to their grandchildren:

Some years ago I wrote this open letter to Ajinomoto. They have refused to answer, even though other organizations have asked them to answer it as well.

Here is another report on Ajinomoto: and another that needs answering:
The whole issue is obvious, to get a government agency, USDA to bless a poison. Dr. John Olney, one of the most renowned neuroscientists in the world today tried to prevent the approval of aspartame. Forty per cent of this poisonous molecule is aspartic acid, another excitotoxin. Dr. Olney founded the field of neuroscience called excitotoxicity. Here is the 49 page report he wrote to the FDA Board of Inquiry who agreed with him.

You will note that Dr. Olney warned about compounding MSG with aspartame and what it would do to the brains of babies and children. After the FDA revoked the petition for approval through political chicanery of Don Rumsfeld who at the time was CEO of Searle got aspartame marketed. Today Dr. Olney prophecy has been fulfilled.

"The European Environmental Association has projected that with the rise of autism caused by toxic foods like Aspartame, MSG, Fluoride, and environmental degradation, by 2013 no one will be born in the Western World that does not to some degree have autism. Our board of AAEM, American Academy of Environmental Medicine and Dr. William Rae, director of the Dallas Environmental Clinic agreed in open discussion at the October 2010 annual meeting." Bill Deagle, M.D.

Today exists a 1000 page medical text, Aspartame Disease: An Ignored Epidemic, by H. J. Roberts, M.D., which explains the epidemics that have caused mass poisoning of the world. Be sure to see the movie, Sweet Misery: A Poisoned World,

Below is the recommendation of another writer to write the USDA. Explain to them that research showing an excitotoxin that makes you gain weight is good for weight management would simply confirm collusion from Ajinomoto to USDA since it cant be done. The USDA should have the sense to know that since the research has already been done for decades showing MSG is an excitotoxijn, a product that stimulates the neurons of the brain to death causing brain damage of vary degrees.

Dr. Betty Martini, D.Hum, Founder Mission Possible International 9270 River Club Parkway Duluth, Georgia 30097
770 242-2599,,
Aspartame Toxicity Center,

Date: Tue, 21 Dec 2010 09:31:51 -0700 (MST)

Studies to assess potential efficacy of MSG and umami on satiety and weight management
The US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Ajinomoto Company have announced a joint research project to explore whether the regular inclusion of dietary sodium glutamate (MSG) used to enhance the taste of foods, has beneficial effects on eating behavior and body weight management. The trial, which will be conducted by ARS' Western Human Nutrition Research Center (WHNRC), will assess in overweight women whether adding sodium glutamate to foods facilitates the control of appetite and caloric intake, and prevents body weight rebound following a period of moderate energy restriction and weight loss.

According to Dr. Kevin Laugero of WHNRC, "For some people, long term improvements in eating behavior and body weight are difficult to maintain, and the mechanisms that explain this fact are poorly understood."

Novel nutrition-based strategies might help people to improve the quality and amount of food they eat while maintaining the emotional and pleasurable qualities of eating. Foods or food ingredients that enhance these qualities of eating might also reduce the drive or motivation to eat, particularly energy dense foods. MSG has long been known to enhance the savory quality of foods and promote a positive emotional response (pleasantness) of eating. Regularly including MSG or foods naturally high in glutamate may help people to improve the quality and amount of their food intake, yet maintain the emotional and pleasurable qualities of eating.

The research is expected to add to the growing base of science around umami, widely accepted as the fifth basic taste in addition to sweet, sour, salty and bitter. Glutamate, an amino acid naturally found in many common foods such as tomatoes, cheese, and cured ham, is considered the purest form of umami. Recent research has identified umami receptors on the tongue. Providing a savory taste of its own, umami also enhances and balances the sensory experience of other tastes. MSG, the sodium salt of glutamate, improves the palatability of foods and has been widely used as a flavor enhancer for more than a century, initially in Asia and later globally. Significant research documents the potential value of MSG as an aid in reducing dietary sodium.

Given the global obesity epidemic and the role of diet as part of the solution, research initiatives such as this are increasingly important for informing and creating solutions that will improve public health.

"The Western Human Nutrition Research Center's expertise in nutrition and the regulation of food intake and metabolism, combined with Ajinomoto's demonstrated knowledge and leadership related to umami and MSG, create a powerful partnership as we seek a better understanding of how to improve eating behaviors and human health" said Masatoshi Ito, President and CEO, Ajinomoto Company.

The trial is expected to be completed in the next two years.
SOURCE: The US Department of Agriculture's Agricultural Research Service (ARS) and Ajinomoto