Tuesday, April 27, 2010

You need this Microsoft 'patch'

Bill Gates said
"The world today has 6.8 billion people. That's heading up to about nine billion. Now if we do a really great job on new vaccines, health care, reproductive health services (i.e abortions), we could lower that by perhaps 10 or 15 percent."

How we love our maids

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Artificial pancreas breakthrough offers solution for health effects of eating artificial food

(NaturalNews) It's downright amazing: A biomedical engineer at Boston University has developed a so-called "artificial pancreas" that helps diabetics maintain balanced blood sugar levels by monitoring the blood and releasing either insulin or glucagon as needed. Now all those people who eat artificial food advertised through artificial worlds on television can add an artificial pancreas to their artificial health care plan.

The mainstream media is all over this story, but what they're not telling anybody is that for type-2 diabetics, artificially using insulin injections to "balance" blood sugar levels only serves to convert blood sugar into body fat, increasing the obesity of the patient. This is one reason why most diabetics are obese.

The idea of an "artificial pancreas" gives false hope to diabetics by implying that they can replace their "failed" pancreas with a new medical device that will cure them of their diabetes. But that's just flat-out false: The only cure for type-2 diabetes is a radical lifestyle change that involves regular exercise, greatly enhanced nutrition and the elimination of refined carbohydrates and sugars from the diet.

What diabetics need isn't an artificial pancreas but real food to replace their processed, fabricated, factory-produced junk foods and sugary soft drinks. Real food, however, is hard to come by in a society where virtually everything is now artificial: Foods, boobs, lips, snacks, flavoring, food coloring, the television news and much more.

Most of us live in an artificial world, wrapped inside our little cocoons of "pretend health" constructed by drug companies and junk food manufacturers who all somehow manage to claim their products are good for you.

But I have a radical idea: Why not take care of your REAL pancreas? Why not exercise, get some sunshine, choose superfoods instead of junk foods and swear off refined sugars and carbohydrates for life? You were born with the only pancreas you'll ever need, and instead of living your life hooked up to a blood sugar monitor that you have to drag around with you everywhere, wouldn't it be easier to rely on the intelligent organs that already exist in your chest cavity?

Mainstream medicine, you see, thinks it's so smart when they develop an artificial heart, lung, kidney or pancreas. And yet none of these function with anything that comes close to the intelligence and complexity of the organs you were born with. Take care of the organs given to you by Mother Nature and you won't have to live the rest of your life connected to medical machines that are billed by the hour.

Oh, yeah, and did I mention that your own pancreas works for free? Unlike with an expensive medical device, you don't have to pay any money to use your own pancreas. But you do have to pay attention to your diet, your exercise and other health and lifestyle choices.

By the way, in terms of clarifying the tone of this story, I do recognize that there are a relatively small number of people who suffer from type-1 diabetes through no fault of their own. For them, an artificial pancreas might be a lifesaving technology. But for the vast majority of diabetics, the root cause is lifestyle choices that can be revised and improved through conscious health. For them, the promise of an artificial pancreas is just an empty promise that will never cure their diabetes.

Instead, it will only have them living out the rest of their lives tethered to a machine that pumps them full of blood sugar hormones.

Friday, April 16, 2010
by Mike Adams, the Health Ranger

9 Ingredients to avoid in processed foods

IngredientWhy it is UsedWhy it is Bad
Artificial Colors
  • Chemical compounds made from coal-tar derivatives to enhance color.
  • Linked to allergic reactions, fatigue, asthma, skin rashes, hyperactivity and headaches.
Artificial Flavorings
  • Cheap chemical mixtures that mimic natural flavors.
  • Linked to allergic reactions, dermatitis, eczema, hyperactivity and asthma
  • Can affect enzymes, RNA and thyroid.
Artificial Sweeteners
(Acesulfame-K, Aspartame, Equal®, NutraSweet®, Saccharin, Sweet’n Low®, Sucralose, Splenda® & Sorbitol)
  • Highly-processed, chemically-derived, zero-calorie sweetenersfound in diet foods and diet products to reduce calories per serving.
  • Can negatively impact metabolism
  • Some have been linked to cancer, dizziness hallucinations and headaches.
Benzoate Preservatives


  • Compounds that preserve fats and prevent them from becoming rancid.
  • May result in hyperactivity, angiodema, asthma, rhinitis, dermatitis, tumors and urticaria
  • Can affect estrogen balance and levels.
Brominated Vegetable Oil


  • Chemical that boosts flavor in many citric-based fruit and soft drinks.
  • Increases triglycerides and cholesterol
  • Can damage liver, testicles, thyroid, heart and kidneys.
High Fructose Corn Syrup
  • Cheap alternative to cane and beet sugar
  • Sustains freshness in baked goods
  • Blends easily in beverages to maintain sweetness.
  • May predispose the body to turn fructose into fat
  • Increases risk for Type-2 diabetes, coronary heart disease, stroke and cancer
  • Isn’t easily metabolized by the liver.

(Monosodium Glutamate)

  • Flavor enhancer in restaurant food, salad dressing, chips, frozen entrees, soups and other foods.
  • May stimulate appetite and cause headaches, nausea, weakness, wheezing, edema, change in heart rate, burning sensations and difficulty in breathing.
  • An indigestible fat substitute used primarily in foods that are fried and baked.
  • Inhibits absorption of some nutrients
  • Linked to gastrointestinal disease, diarrhea, gas, cramps, bleeding and incontinence.
Shortening, Hydrogenated and Partially Hydrogenated Oils
(Palm, Soybean and others)
  • Industrially created fats used in more than 40,000 food products in the U.S.
  • Cheaper than most other oils.
  • Contain high levels of trans fats, which raise bad cholesterol and lower good cholesterol, contributing to risk of heart disease.
Have you checked your ingredient lists recently? Do they contain any of the above? Have you tried cutting some of these ingredients out?

Excerpted from "GET REAL" and STOP Dieting! Copyright 2009 - Brett Blumenthal

Wednesday, April 14, 2010

Generation 'could die before their parents' as avoidable health complaints soar

Generation 'could die before their parents' as avoidable health complaints soar:

"Today's children could die at a younger age than their parents as preventable diseases reach epidemic levels, the UK's leading hospitals warned today.

Doctors from Liverpool's Alder Hey Children's Hospital said the number of avoidable health complaints such as obesity and tooth decay were booming.

As a result they were spending an increasing amount of time dealing with avoidable conditions."

Dr Steve Ryan, medical director at Alder Hey, said: 'It just shouldn't be happening.
'These children should not be suffering from these problems and they should not be here at this hospital.
'People are starting to say maybe this is a generation where children will be dying before their parents.'
Alder Hey is one of Europe's biggest children's hospitals, providing care for more than 200,000 children each year.
One of the areas most affected is the dental department. More than half of the 1,000 dental operations carried out each year are on children under the age of six.
Research has shown people with gum disease and tooth decay have a higher risk of heart disease.
Meanwhile between 500 to 1,000 children a year end up in hospital because they are exposed to their parents' smoking.
Another report predicted that eight out of 10 men and almost seven in 10 women will be overweight or obese by 2020.
BBC's Panorama programme 'Spoilt Rotten? claims around £1m and hundreds of hours of treatment time are being spent each year treating obesity, tooth decay, alcohol abuse and health complaints associated with passive smoking.

Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/health/article-1265600/Generation-die-parents-avoidable-health-complaints-soar.html#ixzz0l0tH5tQN

Thursday, April 8, 2010

Those fed on processed foods died three years earlier than those fed on food made in the home

"Those fed on processed foods died three years earlier than those fed on food made in the home"

PARIS, April 8 — The junk food and poor eating habits affecting humans is also killing their four-legged pals, say veterinary surgeons and experts.

Allergies and obesity are reducing the life expectancy of Lassies and Mittens nourished worldwide on industrial foodstuffs, said Gerard Lippert, a Belgian acupuncturist for animals who has just completed a study on the diets of 600 dead dogs.

“Pets, like humans, are victims of junk food,” he told AFP.

Of the 600 furry corpses he examined “those fed on processed foods died three years earlier than those fed on food made in the home.”

Dogs, he added, “originally were omnivores who shared their food with humans.”

Rippert said he was increasingly called on to heal skin, motor and digestive problems as acupuncture was an all-embracing method enabling work on practically all organs.

“Dry dog food and cat food croquettes are over-heated, which destroys vitamins, trace elements and other basic nutritional elements,” he said.

“We don’t know the origin of the proteins in the foods,” he added. “And there’s an excessive amount of cereal, often genetically modified, and very little vegetables.”

“We’re turning our dogs and cats into ruminants,” he said.

Laurence Colliard, a veterinary surgeon and nutritionist located in the Paris suburbs, estimates that only five percent of French pet-owners cook food for their four-legged companions.

France is Europe’s top pet nation — with 7.8 million dogs and 10.7 million cats, according to a 2008 study by the Sofres/Facco polling institute.

Dogs should not eat cooked or processed food

“I’m seeing an increasing number of allergies, diarrhea, vomitting, skin dermatitis as well as cases of obesity, specially amid cats because of the excessively high energy content in industrially-produced cat foods,” said Colliard.

Pet owners tend to favour processed foods because of the difficulty of preparing nutritionally balanced meals, which in an ideal world should contain some 50 nutrients as well as meat, vegetables, rice and pasta.

An animal’s age, weight and exercise routine also need to be taken into account.

The packs on offer on supermarket shelves also claim as a bonus to reduce nasty urine smells and modify the consistency of animal poop.

The pet food industry was born in England where James Spratt produced the world’s first dog biscuits in 1860.

Some 150 years later, many Internet sites are calling for a return to natural foods for pets.

BARF or Biologically Appropriate Raw Food is a type of pet diet that consists of raw meat, bones, and organs,” says www.barf.com. “It is the practice of feeding domestic pets their evolutionary diet as a way of maximizing their health and longevity.

“Dogs should not eat cooked or processed food,” it adds. “Instead, your pet should consume foods that are similar to a dog’s wild ancestors. This includes bones, fat, meat, and vegetable materials.”

Likewise www.i-love-dogs.com/dog-food-recipes offers tips for natural home-made meals.

“It’s only in the last 100 years we have we been led to believe that dogs cannot survive without packaged food. We are told it would be harmful if we were to give them the scraps from our own home cooked meals. This is pure poppycock!” — afprelaxnews.com

Did 'Regular' Flu Shot Up Risks for H1N1 Flu?

Those who got seasonal vaccine were at higher risk, study found

TUESDAY, April 6 (HealthDay News) The traditional seasonal flu vaccine may have increased the risk of infection with pandemic H1N1 swine flu, according to the results of four new studies by Canadian researchers.

Click here to find out more!

In one study, the researchers used an ongoing sentinel monitoring system to assess the frequency of prior vaccination with the seasonal flu vaccine in people diagnosed with H1N1 swine flu in 2009 compared to people without swine flu. The researchers found that seasonal flu vaccination was associated with a 68 percent increased risk of getting swine flu.

The other three studies included additional case-control investigations in Ontario and Quebec, as well as a transmission study in 47 Quebec households that were hit with swine flu. In these studies, the researchers found that seasonal flu vaccination was associated with a 1.4- to 5.0-times greater risk of having swine flu.

The studies, published April 6 in the online journal PLoS Medicine, don't show whether there is a true cause-and-effect relationship between seasonal flu vaccination and subsequent swine flu illness, or whether the association was possibly due to a common factor among the people in the study, said principal investigator Danuta Skowronski, of the British Columbia Center for Disease Control in Vancouver, and colleagues.

However, the findings may raise questions about the biological interactions between pre-existing and new pandemic influenza strains.

The researchers noted that the World Health Organization has recommended that protection against pandemic swine flu be included in future seasonal flu vaccines. This will provide direct protection against pandemic swine flu and eliminate any risk that may have been due to the 2009 seasonal vaccine, which did not include protection against swine flu.

More information

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has more about the H1N1 flu.

The four new studies conducted by Canadian researchers conclude that the traditional seasonal flu vaccine seems to have boosted the risk of infection with pandemic H1N1 swine flu by almost double.

In one study, the researchers revealed to use ongoing sentinel monitoring system in order to assess the frequency of prior vaccination with the seasonal flu vaccine in people suffering from H1N1 swine flu in 2009 compared to people without swine flu.

The study discovered that seasonal flu vaccination was linked with a 68 percent boosted risk of falling in prey to swine flu.

"I do think that they did the best they could with the data they had", said Dr. Mark Loeb, an infectious diseases expert at McMaster University in Hamilton who was not part of the study and who seems to be sceptical about the study’s conclusion.

The studies, published April 6 in the online journal PLoS Medicine, attributed to the combined of over 40 researchers including many of Canada's top influenza experts. The data is reported to be fetched from four studies that draw cases from British Columbia, Alberta, Ontario and Quebec.

However, the studies failed to show the presence of a true cause-and-effect link between seasonal flu vaccination and subsequent swine flu illness, or it is due to presence of a common factor among the people in the study.

what about a false sense of security

Perhaps it would be of value to educate the general public about the value of Vitamin D3 as part of an overall plan of facilitating wellness and prevention. In addition, it is important to make it clear that, although the flu vaccine is intended to protect against certain identified deadly strains of influenza, there are many other strains of flu that are not covered by the vaccine (some identified, others not). Are we giving recipients of these vaccines (general flu and H1N1) a false sense of security by not educating them regarding the many other factors that contribute to contracting the flu (i.e. the effect of high sugar intake and lack of sleep on the immune system)? Further, we need to encourage people to practice effective hand washing habits and research the value of Vitamin D3 and Vitamin C supplementation - of course, in consultation with their primary health care providers for applicable guidelines.

Flu Vaccines

1. The majority of people did not need to take the seasonal flu vaccine, yet they do. All drugs, vaccines, etc., have an impact on the body (liver, etc) and science is not all knowing as regards the full impact of most interventions. The health care is an industry not a not for profit good will group. As long as pharmas pay doctors and influence studies, as long as doctors accept payments and are incentivized financially to provide more expensive (and usually extensive and unneeded) services, then there just only so much trust one can have in anything that we read. Period. P.s. journalists are incentivized to scare us so they can sell stuff too.

2. The fact that there is a possible interaction between the two vaccines shows the point that you should avoid all drugs unless absolutely necessary. Motivation (profit) and ignorance (insuffucient data) lead to problems all the time. I recall a study in Sweden? where smoking and non-smoking subjects were taking beta carotene supplements. The smoking patients started dying so they had to stop the study. My point is, doctors and pharmas know less than they think - just look at the changes in recommendations from butter to hydrogenated fats, etc. It goes on and on and it always will!!!