Tuesday, September 29, 2009

"You are not allowed to tell people"

Do not tell the people

Previously secret documents that surfaced at a Vioxx court case in April of this year reveal pharmaceutical giant Merck maintained a "hit list" of doctors to be "neutralized" for speaking out against Vioxx. Although this story was reported on NaturalNews and other sites in April, Merck's involvement in the recent round of swine flu vaccines raises new questions regarding Merck's behavior towards its critics (see below).

As was reported in The Australian, documents that have surfaced in the Federal Court in Melbourne expose the criminal intent of Merck staffers who admitted they intended to "stop funding to institutions" and "interfere with academic appointments." (These actions are highly illegal, by the way.)

According to on-the-record testimony in this Australian trial, one Merck employee said, in referring to the doctors on the hit list, "We may need to seek them out and destroy them where they live..."

That sounds a lot like a mob boss ordering a hit on a competing street thug, doesn't it?

At least eight clinical investigators were threatened or intimidated by Merck, the court heard in testimony. This is congruent with the many reports of academic intimidation by Merck that have already been published on NaturalNews.com and other news outlets. The picture of Merck that emerges from these revelations is a company run by thugs who deal with dissent by seeking to destroy the lives and careers of academics who dare to tell the truth about Merck's dangerous drugs.

A culture of criminality

Merck is a company steeped in a culture of criminality. Among its numerous questionable actions, Merck intentionally hid the liver-damaging effects of its cholesterol drug (http://www.naturalnews.com/024072_Z...), it intentionally withheld the release of clinical trial data that showed the failures of another cholesterol drug (http://www.naturalnews.com/023889_V...), it has dumped vaccine waste and manufacturing chemicals into the water supply (http://www.naturalnews.com/023124_w...), it set up offshore banking accounts to avoid billions of dollars in U.S. taxes (http://www.naturalnews.com/021645_M...), and it was caught in a massive scheme of scientific fraud when it was revealed that the company used in-house writers to secretly author "independent" studies that were published in peer-reviewed medical journals (http://www.naturalnews.com/023052_M...).

And that's just the beginning of the real story on Merck. Read more astonishing news stories about this company here: http://www.naturalnews.com/merck.html

There's little question that Merck operates from a criminal mentality, resorting to tactics of deception and intimidation to accomplish what it could not achieve through honest means: An increase in sales of its pharmaceutical products.

So what does this have to do with the swine flu vaccine? Simply this: Almost no one in the industry of modern medicine has spoken out against the swine flu vaccines.

Monday, September 28, 2009


Adjuvants are formulated compounds, which when combined with vaccine antigens intensify the body's immune response. They are used to elicit an early, high and long-lasting immune response. "The chemical nature of adjuvants, their mode of action and their reactions (side effect) are highly variable in terms of how they affect the immune system and how serious their adverse effects are due to the resultant hyperactivation of the immune system. While adjuvants enable the use of less *antigen to achieve the desired immune response and reduce vaccine production costs, with few exceptions, adjuvants are foreign to the body and cause adverse reactions", writes Australian scientist Viera Scheibner Ph.D, (1)

The most common adjuvant for human use is an aluminum salt called alum derived from aluminum hydroxide, or aluminum phosphate. A quick read of the scientific literature reveals that the neurotoxic effects of aluminum were recognized 100 years ago. Aluminum is a neurotoxicant and has been linked to Alzheimer's disease and other neurological disorders. Prior to 1980, kidney patients undergoing long term dialysis treatments often suffered dialysis encephalopathy syndrome, the result of acute intoxication by the use of an aluminium-containing dialysate. This is now avoided using modern techniques of water purification. In preterm infants, prolonged intravenous feeding with solutions containing aluminum is associated with impaired neurologic development. Scientists speculate that aluminum neurotoxicity may be related to cell damage via free radical production, impairment of glucose metabolism, and effects on nerve signal transduction. (2) Vaccines which contain both aluminum adjuvants and mercury based preservative, greatly magnify the neurotoxic effects. (3)

Macrophagic myofasciitis (MMF) is a muscle disease first identified in 1993, and has been linked to vaccines containing aluminum adjuvants. Muscle pain is the most frequent symptom which can be localized to the limbs or be more diffuse. Other symptoms include joint pain, muscle weakness, fatigue, fever, and muscle tenderness. The disorder is associated with an altered immune system in some, but not all patients. A study published in the journal Brain (2001) revealed that 50 out of 50 patients had received vaccines against hepatitis B virus (86%), hepatitis A virus (19%) or tetanus toxoid (58%), 3-96 months (median 36 months) before biopsy. "We conclude that the MMF lesion is secondary to intramuscular injection of aluminium hydroxide-containing vaccines, shows both long-term persistence of aluminium hydroxide and an ongoing local immune reaction, and is detected in patients with systemic symptoms which appeared subsequently to vaccination", write the authors of the study. (4)

But aluminum's neurotoxicity is of less concern to the vaccine industry than the fact that it elicits a lesser antibody response to the so called purer recombinant or synthetic antigens used in modern day vaccines than in older style live or killed whole organism vaccines. "This has created a major need for improved and more powerful adjuvants for use in these vaccines." (5)

For decades, vaccine developers have been tinkering with various substances to trick the body into heightened immune responses. The most effective adjuvants are formulated with oils but have long been considered too reactive for use in humans. Immunologists have known for decades that a microscopic dose of even a few molecules of adjuvant injected into the body can cause disturbances in the immune system and have known since the1930's that oil based adjuvants are particularly dangerous, which is why their use has been restricted to experiments with animals.

The classic oil based adjuvant called Freund's Complete Adjuvant can cause permanent organ damage and irreversible disease - specifically autoimmune diseases. When scientists want to induce autoimmune disease in a lab animal, they inject it with Freund's Complete Adjuvant, which causes great suffering and is considered by some too inhumane to even inject into animals.

Dr. Jules Freund creator of this oil based adjuvant warned in 1956 that animals injected with his formulation developed terrible, incurable conditions: allergic aspermatogenesis (stoppage of sperm production), experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (the animal version of MS), allergic neuritis (inflammation of the nerves that can lead to paralysis) and other severe autoimmune disorders. (6)

Adjuvants can break "tolerance", meaning they can disable the immune system to the degree that it loses its ability to distinguish what is "self" from what is foreign. Normally, the immune system ignores the constituents of one's own body. Immunologists call this "tolerance". But if something happens to break "tolerance", then the immune system turns relentlessly self-destructive, attacking the body it is supposed to defend. (6)

Scientists theorize that oil based adjuvants have the ability to "hyperactivate" the immune system, and in doing so, create chaos by inducing such an extremely powerful response that the immune system literally goes haywire and starts attacking elements it would normally ignore. (6)

Another theory has to do with "specificity". One of the great distinguishing characteristics of the immune system is something akin to a highly sensitive innate intelligence that has evolved over eons to be able to respond very precisely to what it deems to be a threat to the body. Because the body contains many types of oily molecules and lipids, it may be that when an oil is injected, the immune system responds to it not only specifically, but with heightened intensity because the oil adjuvant resembles so closely the natural oils found in the body. A "cross reaction" then happens, sending the immune system into chaos destroying any oils found anywhere in the body that resemble the adjuvant oil. Demyelinating diseases like multiple sclerosis are an example of this destructive autoimmune process. (6)

To deepen one's understanding of the shadowy world of vaccine development, award winning investigative journalist Gary Matsumoto's new book is a "must read." It documents the secret human medical experimentation conducted on American citizens by doctors and scientists working for the U.S. military. It is a book about "betrayal of the most fundamental rules of medical ethics; and betrayal of the basic duty of military and civilian leaders to protect the people they govern." Vaccine A: The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing our Soldiers and Why GI's are Only the First Victims, is a gripping read into the mad science world of the U.S. military's biowarfare vaccine development program which, since 1987 has injected tens of thousands of U.S. troops with an experimental unlicensed anthrax vaccine containing squalene. An oil based adjuvant, squalene has been known for decades to cause severe autoimmune diseases in laboratory animals. Writes Matsumoto, "The unethical experiments detailed in this book are ongoing, with little prospect of being self-limiting because they have been shielded from scrutiny and public accountability by national security concerns." Reading this book, one gets a permanent chill in the spine as we glimpse the "writing on the wall" of what is to come. (6,7)

"When UCLA Medical School's Michael Whitehouse and Frances Beck injected squalene combined with other materials into rats and guinea pigs back in the 1970's, few oils were more effective at causing the animal versions of arthritis and multiple sclerosis", writes Matsumoto. In 1999, Dr. Johnny Lorentzen, an immunologist at Sweden's Karolinska Institute proved that on injection, "otherwise benign molecules like squalene can stimulate a self-destructive immune response", even though they occur naturally in the body. Other research institutes have also shown that the immune system makes antibodies to squalene, but only after it is injected (6) We now know that squalene, added to boost immune response in a formulation known as MF59, is the secret ingredient in certain lots of experimental anthrax vaccine that has caused devastating autoimmune diseases and death in countless Gulf War vets (Canadian, British and Australian troops were also injected with squalene laced vaccine), and continues to be used today. There is a "close match between the squalene-induced diseases in animals and those observed in humans injected with this oil: rheumatoid arthritis, multiple sclerosis and systemic lupus erythematosus", writes Matsumoto. These three illnesses have been proven to be caused by this oil, but there is an additional long list of autoimmune diseases associated with squalene injection into humans. (6) "There are now data in more than two dozen peer-reviewed scientific papers, from ten different laboratories in the U.S., Europe, Asia and Australia, documenting that squalene-based adjuvants can induce autoimmune diseases in animals..observed in mice, rats, guinea pigs and rabbits. Sweden's Karolinska Institute has demonstrated that squalene alone can induce the animal version of rheumatoid arthritis. The Polish Academy of Sciences has shown that in animals, squalene alone can produce catastrophic injury to the nervous system and the brain. The University of Florida Medical School has shown that in animals, squalene alone can induce production of antibodies specifically associated with systemic lupus erythematosus", writes Matsumoto. (6)

Long List of Side Effects Referring to squalene in her extensive article on adjuvants, Dr. Scheibner writes, "This adjuvant contributed to the cascade of reactions called "Gulf War syndrome", documented in the soldiers involved in the Gulf War. The symptoms they developed included arthritis, fibromyalgia, lymphadenopathy, rashes, photosensitive rashes, malar rashes, chronic fatigue, chronic headaches, abnormal body hair loss, non-healing skin lesions, aphthous ulcers, dizziness, weakness, memory loss, seizures, mood changes, neuropsychiatric problems, anti-thyroid effects, anaemia, elevated ESR (erythrocyte sedimentation rate), systemic lupus erythematosus, multiple sclerosis, ALS (amyotrophic lateral sclerosis) also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, Raynaud's phenomenon, Sjorgren's syndrome, chronic diarrhoea, night sweats and low-grade fevers. (1)

Matsumoto punctuates his book with poignant interviews of military personnel who suffered many of these extreme and devastating syndromes, all of whom tested positive for anti-squalene antibodies which has become THE definitive marker for people who have been injected with this adjuvant and who have gone on to develop catastrophic diseases.

Immunologist, Dr. Pamela Asa was the first person to recognize that the autoimmune diseases she was seeing in military personnel mirrored those in experimental animals injected with oil formulated adjuvants. When she met a patient with similar autoimmune symptoms who had participated in an experimental herpes vaccine trial, who also knew he had been injected with MF59, a squalene adjuvant being used as a 'placebo' in that study, everything began to fall into place. Pam Asa contacted Dr. Robert Garry, a leading virologist at Tulane University Medical School, whose specialty is developing antibody tests and asked him to develop a test for the detection of anti-squalene antibodies - a test that ultimately became the most important forensic and diagnostic tool identifying patients whose autoimmune diseases followed injection with squalene laced anthrax vaccine. (6)

Juxtaposed to heart wrenching testimonies of shattered health and ruined lives is the military's defiant stonewall and denial that a squalene laced anthrax vaccine was injected into thousands of its people without their informed consent - this despite the fact that the FDA and independent researchers have tested and identified varying amounts of squalene in specific lots of the vaccine.

Even more stunning is the fact that by 1997, hundreds of millions of dollars had already been spent testing vaccines formulated with squalene adjuvants by leading research institutes like NIH (National Institutes of Health) who tested its efficacy in HIV vaccines, the National Cancer Institute who for nearly two decades conducted research with squalene-boosted vaccines, and the National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) had been testing it in animals since 1988 and began human clinical trials in1991. Nineteen of NIAID's 23 trials were for prototype HIV vaccines. Writes Matsumoto, " Squalene adjuvants are a key ingredient in a whole new generation of vaccines intended for mass immunization around the globe." (6)

Immune System Sees Squalene as an Enemy to Attack Researchers at Tulane Medical School and the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research "have both proven that the immune system responds specifically to the squalene molecule. Squalene's pathway through the body has been tracked with a radioactive tracer in animals by none other than Chiron, (well known flu vaccine manufacturer) and maker of MF59, the squalene-based adjuvant, now also a component of FLUAD, an Italian influenza vaccine. (6)

The immune system does in fact "see" squalene and recognizes it as an oil molecule native to the body. The key is "route of administration". As Gary Matsumoto says, "Squalene is not just a molecule found in a knee or elbow - it is found throughout the nervous system and the brain." When it is injected into the body, the immune system sees it as an enemy to be attacked and eliminated.(6)

As any immunologist will tell you, the way an antigen encounters the immune system makes all the difference. You can eat squalene - no problem as it is an oil the body can easily digest. But studies in animals and humans show that injecting squalene will "galvanize the immune system into attacking it, which can produce a self-destructive cross reaction against the same molecule in the places where it occurs naturally in the body - and where it is critical to the health of the nervous system." (6)

This phenomenon is also known as 'molecular mimicry', where the immune system forms antibodies against one of its own structures and will continue to attack the 'self' molecule in the body that resembles the one in the germ, or as is the case with squalene, an identical substance that is naturally present in the body. Once this self-destructive process begins, it never stops as the body continues to make the molecule the immune system is now trained to attack.

Another example involving autoimmune 'molecular mimicry' is when the immune system has been sensitized to attack myelin, the insulating fatty coating around nerve fibres which insures the smooth relay of nerve signals. The body would continue to make myelin in order to replenish and repair the protective sheath around its nerve endings. But says Matsumoto, "In the act of doing so, the body immunizes itself against itself, administering over and over again what amounts to a booster dose of something that the immune system now wants to get rid of. This vital constituent (myelin) is now the enemy, and the immune system is now programmed to obliterate it in an endless loop of self-destruction" - the process involved in MS (multiple sclerosis), and ALS (Lou Gehrig's disease).(6)

Tying molecular mimicry to the autism epidemic, many children have regressed into autism spectrum disorders after injection with the triple live virus MMR (measles,mumps,rubella) vaccine. Dr.Vijendra Singh's research at Utah State University suggests that auto-antibodies are attacking myelin in these children. He has shown that many autistic children have auto-antibodies to brain myelin basic protein (MBP) as well as elevated levels of measles virus antibodies. "Immunoblotting analysis showed the presence of an unusual MMR antibody in 60% (75 of 125) of autistic children, but none of the 92 normal children had this antibody. In addition, there was a positive correlation (greater than 90%) between MMR antibody and MBP auto-antibody, suggesting a causal association between MMR and brain autoimmunity in autism. This is one of the most important findings in autism to date, which prompted us to link measles virus in the etiology of the disorder", writes Dr. Singh. (8,9,10)

Immunologist Dr. Bonnie Dunbar has also done extensive research on the mechanisms of injury inflicted by hepatitis B vaccine and has observed similar autoimmune processes involving molecular mimicry in people who developed devastating neuroimmune syndromes after injection with this vaccine. (11)

Molecular Mimicry as a Bio-Weapon Matsumoto reports that Soviet bioweaponeers used the principal of molecular mimicry in the 1980's to engineer a 'designer disease' that would attack myelin. By splicing a fragment of myelin basic protein into legionella bacterium, they created what amounted to a living "nano-bomb", which they injected into guinea pigs. What they found was that the immune system quickly cleared the legionella bacterium, but the myelin molecule, smuggled in by this microbial "Trojan horse" initiated a second wave of disease which caused experimental allergic encephalomyelitis, the animal version of MS. The Soviets recognized this creation for what it was - a biological time bomb!! (6)

"Squalene is a kind of trigger for the real biological weapon: the immune system. When the immune system's full repertoire of cells and antibodies start attacking the tissues they are supposed to protect, the results can be catastrophic," writes Matsumoto. His assessment is seconded by Dr. Pam Asa - "Oil adjuvants are the most insidious chemical weapon ever devised." (6)

"Molecular mimicry, seen for its diabolical potential as a weapon by the Soviets as far back as the 1980's, also applies to squalene. But the real problem with using squalene, of course, is not that it mimics a molecule found in the body; it is the same molecule," writes Matsumoto. "So what American scientists conceived as a vaccine booster was another "nano-bomb", instigating chronic, unpredictable and debilitating disease. When the NIH (National Institutes of Health) argued that squalene would be safe because it is native to the body, just the opposite was true. Squalene's natural presence in the body made it one of the most dangerous molecules ever injected into man!" (6)

The main proponents for the use of squalene in vaccines have been the U.S Department of Defense and the NIH. The anti-squalene antibodies in sick American and British military personnel are evidence that military experimentation has caused an unprecedented health catastrophe in tens of thousands of people onto whom the vaccine was forced and who were denied the right to make an informed decision based on existing scientific knowledge of the dangers of injecting squalene. "By adding squalene to their new anthrax vaccine, they did not make a better vaccine, they made a biological weapon." (6) .

Why , one would obviously ask, would anyone knowingly inject such a dangerous substance into humans? Certainly in terms of the U.S. military's decision, they chose to turn a blind eye to the existing science, which for decades had documented the immune destructive properties of squalene. They justified its use because they knew they had a weak and ineffective vaccine which needed a serious boost. In the face of weaponized biowarfare agents like anthrax already developed by Russia and fear that it was also possessed by Iraq, they were desperate to increase the vaccine's effectiveness as they launched into the first Gulf War. Additionally, explains Matsumoto, "scientists in the United States are now literally invested in squalene. Army scientists who developed the second generation anthrax vaccine have reputations to protect and licensing fees to reap for the army..[and] .worldwide rights to develop and commercialize the new recombinant vaccine for anthrax." (6)

He goes on to explain, "the National Institutes of Health (NIH) has been supporting both animal and human research with squalene since the 1980's. Squalene has become perhaps the most ubiquitous oil adjuvant on the planet, which is something that should concern everyone. Many of the cutting edge vaccines currently in development by the NIH and its corporate partners contain squalene in one formulation or another. There is squalene in the prototype recombinant vaccines for HIV, malaria, herpes, influenza, cytomegalovirus and human papillomavirus. Some of these prototypes like HIV, malaria and influenza are intended for mass immunization around the globe." (6)

Squalene Adjuvants Enter the Global Market FLUAD, the squalene boosted flu vaccine has been licensed in Italy since 1997. It contains MF59, the squalene adjuvant made by Chiron. Although all the published papers co-authored by Chiron-employed scientists and Italian researchers have reported MF59 to be safe, Gary Matsumoto suggests a flaw in study designs may "prevent researchers from seeing the vaccine's real risks." Testing of FLUAD was limited to elderly people in nursing homes - average age was 71.5 which would tend to obscure autoimmune problems that might arise for a number of reasons. If autoimmune symptoms like joint pain and fatigue did occur in geriatric Italians, doctors might not connect these complaints to anything but old age. (6)

"Autoimmunity is notorious for taking years to diagnose because the early symptoms (e.g. headaches, joint and muscle pain and fatigue) are so vague; primary care physicians often fail to recognize it...a large Phase lV trial did not even bother to analyze the "common-post immunization reactions" in study participants, recording only those adverse events severe enough to require a doctor's visit within 7 days of immunization." In another study patients were observed for 180 days, but only serious events like "admission to hospital or death" qualified as a reaction - nothing else was recorded. Symptoms of adverse reactions listed in the FLUAD package insert are almost identical to the Air Force case-definition for Gulf War Syndrome, and include rashes, malaise, fever, myalgia, arthralgia, weakness, sweating and various autoimmune reactions and neurologic disturbances. (6)

"The question is whether scientists working for pharmaceutical companies are intentionally designing studies so as to miss adverse reactions that inconvenience their marketing strategy?" asks Matsumoto. "Chiron's conclusion about squalene's safety are at odds with recent data from studies in both animals and humans." (6)

Just in from the newslists on February 9, 2005 is an item informing of the European "debut" of a new adjuvant approved for use in a new high-potency hepatitis B vaccine. Fendrix, the new enhanced hepB vaccine is being launched by pharma giant GlaxoSmithKline for use in people with poor immune responses (like dialysis patients) and those at high risk for developing hepatitis B. It is formulated with a new adjuvant that can "significantly improve the effectiveness of immunizations." AS04, the 'proprietary' adjuvant based on MPL, originally developed by U.S. company Corixa, "increases the immune potency of the new vaccine, allowing two dose administration rather than three. It has been shown clinically to be more effective than alum, the most widely used adjuvant in vaccines." (12)

So what exactly is this new high potency adjuvant? We're told by the press release that MPL (AS04), is a "derivative of the lipid A molecule found in Gram-negative bacteria, is extracted from bacterial cell walls and is one of the most potent regulators of the immune response, used by the body to alert itself to bacterial infections."(12) Full name of the lipid is monophosphoryl lipid A (MPL)

This news should put everyone on high alert because guess what? Lipids are oils/fatty acids and according to Matsumoto, MPL is identified in declassified documents as one of two squalene emulsions used in the Army's new "recombinant protective antigen anthrax vaccine (rPA) which the FDA, the National Institutes of Health (NIH) and the Department of Defense fast-tracked into clinical trials in1998. The other squalene adjuvant they used was Chiron's MF59. (6)

It appears that Fendrix is only the first of a whole new generation of "enhanced potency" vaccines coming down the pipeline using the new high potency lipid adjuvant, MPL. "The adjuvant is also being used in a number of GSK's developmental vaccines, including one that could be the first effective vaccine for malaria", says the article. MPL (AS04) adjuvant is also a component of GSK Bio's genital herpes vaccine, as well as a component in their cervical cancer vaccine and a new tuberculosis vaccine." (12)

In the unraveling of the squalene story, we find that a squalene emulsion first known as Triple Mix (based on Freund's adjuvant) was later given the commercial name "Ribi". Triple Mix (renamed Ribi) was tested by Dutch scientists on rabbits who found it caused "severe effects the largest number and most severe lesions when compared with the other adjuvants."(6) Then in June 1999, Ribi ImmunoChem its manufacturer was acquired by Corixa Corporation for $56.3 million, who presumably also own the Ribi formulation. Whether MPL(AS04) is a formula related to Ribi is undoubtedly "proprietary" information, but from Matsumoto's reseasrch, we know they are all squalene based. And it doesn't end there. MPL, Corixa's multi-million dollar baby, is slated for inclusion not only in the "enhanced potency" vaccines already mentioned, but will also be a strategic component of new allergy and autoimmune vaccines in development. (13)

From their inception, mass vaccinations have acted as a biological weapon, undermining health, manipulating and crippling the immune system, and instigating cycles of new and debilitating diseases. Monopoly medicine's solution? Inject us with more powerful, genetically engineered high potency vaccines. Never mind they are seeding us with "nano-bombs" that will further attack our already compromised immune systems.

The concept of stimulating a hyperactive immune response by using oil-based adjuvants has clearly backfired since we now know that the stronger the antigenic response, the more damaging the adjuvant itself is to the normal functioning of the brain and nervous system. The precedent for mass medical experimentation via an ever increasing recommended vaccine schedule has been set. We can now predict the grim future of mankind: an epidemic of neurological disorders and autoimmune diseases never before imagined.

Notes & Resources
Adjuvants listed by Scheibner: "Today the most common adjuvants for human use are aluminum hydroxide, aluminum phosphate and calcium phosphate. However, there are a number of other adjuvants based on oil emulsions, products from bacteria (their synthetic derivatives as well as liposomes) or gram-negative bacteria, endotoxins, cholesterol, fatty acids, aliphatic amines, paraffinic and vegetable oils. Recently, monophosphoryl lipid A, ISCOMs with Quil-A, and Syntex adjuvant formulations (SAFs) containing the threonyl derivative or muramyl dipeptide have been under consideration for use in human vaccines

*Definition of Antigen (Scheibner): "Micro-organisms, either bacteria or viruses, thought to be causing certain infectious diseases and which the vaccine is supposed to prevent. These are whole-cell proteins or just the broken-cell protein envelopes, and are called antigens"

1.Viera Scheibner, Ph.D, The Adverse Effects of Adjuvants in Vaccines, Nexus Magazine Dec. 2000 vol.8, No.1
2. Aluminum Toxicity notes from Dr. Boyd Haley Toxic Test Foundation website: http://www.altcorp.com/DentalInformation/aluminumvaccines.htm
3. Boyd E. Haley, Professor of Chemistry: Thimerosal Containing Vaccines and Neurodevelopment Outcomes:
4. Brain, Vol. 124, No. 9, 1821-1831, September 2001, 2001 Oxford University Press http://brain.oupjournals.org/cgi/content/abstract/124/9/1821
5 Vaccine Adjuvants: current state and future trends, Volume 82: Issue Immunology and Cell Biology http://www.blackwellpublishing.com/abstract.asp ?ref=0818-9641&vid=82&iid=5&aid=5&s=&site=1
6.Gary Matsumoto, Vaccine A-The Covert Government Experiment That's Killing our Soldiers and Why GI's are Only the First Victims
7.Gary Matsumoto Press Release and biography: www.vaccine-a.com
8 Vijendra K Singh, Ph.D, Abnormal Measles Serology and Autoimmunity in Autistic Children - Journal of Allergy & Clinical Immunol, 109 (1): S232, January 2002
9. Vijendra Singh - lecture at ATEDM Conference: http://iquebec.ifrance.com/autismemtl/2002/program_en.html
10. Institute of Medicine Meeting (IOM) on Vaccines and Autism, February 9, 2004
11.. Bonnie Dunbar, Ph.D - articles and research proposal - VRAN website:
12..New adjuvant debuts in new hep B vaccine , February 9, 2005, In-Pharma Technologist.com http://www.in-pharmatechnologist.com/news/news-ng.asp ?n=57959-new-adjuvant-debuts
13. Corixa weblink to MPL press release on allergy & autoimmune applications: http://www.corixa.com/default.asp?pid=auto_capsule&id=22


Sunday, September 27, 2009

Doctor Admits Vaccine Is More Deadly Than Swine Flu Itself & Will Not Give It To His Kids

Experts believe that foul play is obviously behind the current pandemic as evidenced by the virus's genetics. The feared flu is a laboratory-recombinant of swine from Mexico, avian (bird) from Asia, and a human corpse contaminated with flu genes from the 1918 Spanish pandemic unearthed despite protests from scientists worldwide. The official explanation alleges an impossible, natural mating of genes from some Asian chicken, Mexican pig, and a dead-corpse buried for nearly a century.

Common sense and chilling documents sent to the FBI by these authors discredit official explanations for this pandemic, and this is not the first time this kind of accident has happened. The laboratory sourced 1977 outbreak of H1N1, a virus that went extinct for 20 years was recently acknowledged in the esteemed New England Journal of Medicine.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

Such a "sterilization vaccine" would need to be disguised as something else...

According to the Los Angeles Sunday Times newspaper dated May 24, 2009, a meeting of some of the world's richest billionaires took place in Manhattan on May 5, 2009.
These "elite" reached a uniform consensus during this meeting that OVERPOPULATION is the single greatest threat facing Planet Earth.
Mr. George Soros, international banker and agent of the Rothschild family, was also in attendance, and actually led much of the discussion, it was reported. For a biography and curriculum vitae of this warped individual and his vision for mass sterilization/depopulation of the planet.

The elite's agenda of mass depopulation is no longer covert. It is no longer the realm of "National Secret Memorandums" (see NSSM-200 authored by Henry Kissinger and Zbignew Brezinsky back in 1974) It is today public knowledge. It is indeed their top "agenda" item for immediate implementation this year - 2009.

I would submit that these billionaires are men and women of action. When they come to a joint consensus, a detailed plan is quickly and decisively put into action especially if they perceive that their "plan" is literally going to "save the planet". There should be little doubt that they would have a brilliant plan of action that they are most definitely implementing as you are reading this. These individuals did not get to be billionaires by being stupid, or by merely discussing ideas and concepts over dinner. They, of course, would also know how to keep their depopulation activities camouflaged and hidden from public scrutiny. After all, they reason that only THEY know what is best for the planet.

Let's look at the elite's depopulation plan from a standpoint of logic and common sense. Of course they realize that only a very small fraction of the world's population (especially in the Western 1st World nations) would eagerly and willingly step forward and volunteer that their lineage and bloodlines would be severed by means of a permanent sterilization "vaccination". It is obvious, therefore, that such a "sterilization vaccine" would need to be disguised as something else, a truly global false-flag program fueled by their controlled media propaganda and fear-mongering. I would submit that a worldwide faux "influenza pandemic" would be an absolutely perfect cover.

Prior to the year 1998, the available depopulation tools that could be utilized by such "global elitists" were fairly limited; diseases, famine, wars and even natural disasters could each be developed and actually implemented by a designed plan. These depopulation tools are rather messy, however, and often hard to completely control. However, thanks to the work of Dr. Richard A. Fayrer Hosken at the University of Georgia, a new and completely effective depopulation tool is now available indeed, a simple little VACCINE SHOT can today cause permanent sterility.

Fayrer-Hosken's invention has been successfully tested and found to be effective on all mammals, including the African elephant, although the potential long-term side effects are still being compiled. What exactly is the active ingredients of this sterilization vaccine? Primarily the sterilization vaccine contains antigens from PORCINE (pig) glyco-proteins (viruses are a form of glyco-proteins) bonded with a powerful oil-in-water "adjuvant" called squalene.

Is it just a coincidence that Novartis' master patent for the "swine flu" vaccine utilizes swine (porcine) glycol-proteins bonded with a powerful oil-in-water "adjuvant" called squalene?
Is it just a coincidence that Novartis' "swine flu" vaccine product information circular, section 8.1, includes this warning paragraph: "Animal reproduction studies have not been conducted with this ---[vaccine]. It is also not known whether the vaccine can cause fetal harm when administered to a pregnant woman, OR CAN AFFECT REPRODUCTION CAPACITY."

It would also seem highly logical that a sterilization vaccine disguised as a pandemic influenza vaccine would require a complete blanket shield against liability lawsuits and litigation as well for such claims would undoubtedly number in the hundreds of millions. (Oops, sorry the vaccine made you sterile Mrs. Jones we had absolutely no idea, you see!) Of course, such blanket immunity from lawsuits is exactly what has been given to the "swine flu" vaccine manufacturers and promoters by our corrupt federal government.

It is clear that the "swine flu" pandemic is no more serious than the common cold but it is also increasingly clear that the VACCINE is the real danger. If the squalene adjuvant cripples and even kills the victim in addition to making him/her permanently stable, then I am confident that is perfectly ok with George Soros and his breed. Make no mistake, however, the entire agenda behind this pandemic vaccine hype is very likely the covert "immunosterilization" of the human herd!

-- Article by True Ott, PhD, ND from Rense.com

What is the objective of the world authorities in destroying people's health, both in industrialized countries and in the Third World?

Why Vaccination Continues

by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D.

What is the objective of the world authorities in destroying people's health, both in industrialized countries and in the Third World? It is always difficult to presume the intentions of others, particularly when one is not close to them. And this is true in this instance. But there are certainly advantages for someone, somewhere, to so doggedly keep-up the campaign for vaccinations, by any and all means possible. They must profit someone, somewhere. One thing is certain. It is not to our advantage. In order to determine what these advantages are, and for whom, let us stop and look at the CONSEQUENCES of these massive vaccination programs and draw our own conclusions.

1. Vaccination is expensive and represents a cost of one billion dollars annually. It therefore benefits the industry; most notably, the multinational manufacturers. One sells the vaccines. The other then provides the arsenal of medications to respond to the numerous complications that follow. Their profits increase while our expenses go through the roof. To the point where we have simply had it up to here and are ready to accept the unacceptable, such as socialized medicine in the United States, for example.

2. Vaccination stimulates the immune system, the body's defense mechanism. Repeated, vaccination exhausts the immune system. It gives a false sense of security and, in doing so, it opens the door wide to all kinds of illnesses. Notably, to those related to AIDS, which can only develop on ripe ground, where the immune system has been disturbed. It causes AIDS to explode. It ensures that the illness flourishes perpetually.

3. Vaccination leads to social violence and crime. What better way to destabilize a country than to disarm its inhabitants, and reinforce police and military control? The authorities subtly create situations of panic and fear among the population which, in turn, necessitate the reinforcement of "protection measures", including forbidding citizens from owning weapons. The authorities then come across as saviours and strengthen their control. It is certain that, in order to impose a single world army, one must first disarm the citizens of every country. One must therefore create violence, if they are to achieve this disarmament, particularly in the United States where the right to bear arms is guaranteed by the Constitution.

4. Vaccination encourages medical dependence and reinforces belief in the inefficiency of the body. It creates people who need permanent assistance. It replaces the confidence one has in oneself with a blind confidence in others, outside ourselves. It leads to loss of personal dignity, in addition to making us financially dependent. It draws us into the vicious circle of sickness (fear - poverty - submission) and, in this way, ensures the submission of the herd so as to better dominate and exploit it. And then lead them to the abattoir. To slaughter.

Vaccination also encourages the moral and financial dependence of Third World countries. It perpetuates the social and economic control of Western countries over them.

5. Vaccination camouflages the real socio-political problems of poverty of some due to exploitation by others, and results in techno-scientific pseudo-solutions that are so complicated and sophisticated that patients cannot understand them. In addition, vaccination diverts funds which should be used to help improve living conditions, and channels them into the banks of the multinationals. It widens the gap between the dominant rich and the exploited poor.

6. Vaccination decimates populations. Drastically in Third World countries. Chronically in industrialized countries. In this regard, the former President of the World Bank, former Secretary of State in the United States, who ordered massive bombing of Vietnam, and member of the Expanded Program on Immunization, Robert McNamara, made some very interesting remarks. As reported by a French publication, "j'ai tout compris", he was quoted as stating:

"One must take draconian measures of demographic reduction against the will of the populations. Reducing the birth rate has proved to be impossible or insufficient. One must therefore increase the mortality rate. How? By natural means. Famine and sickness." (Translation)

7. Vaccination enables the selection of populations to be decimated. It facilitates targeted genocide. It permits one to kill people of a certain race, a certain group, a certain country. And to leave others untouched. In the name of health and well-being, of course.

Take Africa, for example. We have witnessed the almost total disappearance of certain groups. Some 50% dead, estimate the most optimistic. Some 70% dead, according to the less optimistic. As if by chance, many were in the same region, such as Zaire, Uganda, the extreme south of the Sudan. In 1967, at Marburg in Germany, seven researchers, working with green African monkeys, died of an unknown hemorrhagic fever. In 1969, also by chance, the same sickness killed one thousand people in Uganda. In 1976, a new unknown hemorrhagic fever killed in the south of Sudan. Then in Zaire.

It is noteworthy that sincel968, virologists (virus specialists) have installed their sophisticated equipment in certain hospitals in Zaire.

At a CIA hearing, Dr. Gotlieb, a cancerologist, admitted having dispersed, in 1960, a large quantity of viruses in the Congo River (in Zaire) to pollute it and contaminate all the people who used the river as their source of water. Dr. Gotlieb was named to head up the National Cancer Institute!

A couple of years ago, Reuters reported: 'An illness similar to AIDS has killed 60,000 in the south of Sudan. They call the illness, the killer. Families, whole villages, have disappeared This illness, the Kala-azar, takes the form of a fever and toss of weight. The symptoms are the same as those of AIDS The immune system is deficient and one dies of other infections."

It is obvious that Africa, particularly those countries in the center and to the south, contain fabulous resources that have always incited westerners to crush their inhabitants to take over their riches. And beware anyone who stands in their way. The colonies have disappeared. But not colonialism.

8. Vaccination serves as a form of experimentation, to test new products on a great sampling of a population. Under the guise of health and the well being of the population, people are vaccinated against a pseudo-epidemic with products that one wants to study. The vaccine of hepatitis B seems to be the choice of authorities to accomplish this goal. Yet, this vaccine is manufactured by a process of genetic manipulation. And it is much more dangerous than the traditional vaccine because it inoculates into the body cells that are foreign to its genetic code. Moreover; this vaccine is produced from virus cultivated on the ovaries of Chinese hamsters. One can only imagine what future generations will look like! But there is more. It is also reported to cause cancer of the liver. Despite all that, it enjoys great popularity among the authorities, who impose it first on all those who work in the health field, and then on the rest of the population.

  • In 1986, the medical authorities administered the vaccine against hepatitis B to Native Indian children in Alaska, without any explanation or the consent of their parents. Many children fell ill. And several died. It seems there was a virus called RSV (Rous Sarcoma Virus) in the vaccine. (1)

American Indian tribes have been subjected to many vaccinations. Let us be aware that they are difficult to beat into submission, and they own vast tracts of land which the authorities would like to have for their own benefit.

Recently when I met a group of Native women to chat about health with them, the subject of vaccinations cropped up. I was giving them some information on the topic when, suddenly, the group's nurse confided in me that the federal government had given her complete freedom in the management of their health, but on one strict condition. That every vaccination had to be scrupulously applied to all. The silence was deafening. We all understood.

  • In 1988, the Ambassador of Senegal gave a radio interview reporting on the ravages of AIDS in his country where entire villages were being decimated. A few years earlier, scientific and medical teams had come to vaccinate their inhabitants against hepatitis B.

  • In 1978, a new vaccine was tested on homosexuals in New York. And in 1980, on those in San Francisco, Los Angeles, Denver, Chicago, and St-Louis. Officially, this "new vaccine" was against hepatitis B and, as we now know, it caused many of them to die from AIDS. It sounded the "official" beginning of the AIDS epidemic in 1981.

The vaccination program of homosexuals against hepatitis B was led by Saint W.H.O. and the National Institute of Health . There are reports of collaboration between these two organizations in 1970 to study the consequences of certain viruses and bacteria introduced to children during vaccination campaigns. In 1972, they transformed this study to focus on the viruses which provoked a drop in the immune mechanism.

Wolf Szmuness directed the anti-hepatitis B experiments undertaken in New York. He had very close links with the Blood Centre where he had his laboratory, the National Institute of Health, the National Cancer Institute, the FDA., the W.H.O., and the Schools of Public Health of Cornell, Yale, and Harvard.

In 1994 a vast vaccination campaign against hepatitis B was undertaken in Canada. It is both useless, dangerous and costly. And what for? Is there a hidden agenda? I note that the Province of Quebec is a particular target, over the course of three years.

- 1992: vaccination against meningitis
- 1993: re-vaccination against meningitis
- 1994: vaccination against hepatitis B.

I was there in 1993. It troubled me to see that it was aimed at a whole generation (1 to 20 years), in only one province. Since when do viruses respect borders, and specially provincial ones at that? The facts are:

- There was no epidemic, nor risk of one. Epidemiologists confirmed it.
- Not one but three different vaccines were administered, each in a designated area.
- Certain nurses were selected and trained to administer a special vaccine.
- All children were entered into a computerized data bank.
- The pressure to vaccinate the children was enormous. Schools were turned into clinics. Those who did not want to be vaccinated were pointed out and treated as social outcasts.
- Nurses chased down parents at home who did not want their pre-school children vaccinated.

I had a direct account of one of these kids. The mother did not want her child vaccinated The nurse who came to the house made her believe that it was compulsory. The mother gave in... The child is now handicapped: physically and mentally (paralyzed spastic).

- The vaccination cost $30 million.

Why was there such a murderous will. Like Native peoples, the people of Quebec are also a "bother". They believe in their cultural identity and in sovereignty. What is more, Quebec with its Native territories, encompasses huge reservoirs of water which many a multinational have their eyes on. As an acquaintance of mine who sits on the California water management board said, "Water today is gold." Could one think of a more appropriate biological weapon to possibly remove any impediments to accessing that resource?

9. Vaccinations permit epidemiological studies of populations to collect data on the resistance of different ethnic groups to different illnesses. It permits one to study the reactions of the immune systems of large numbers of the population to an antigen (virus, microbe) injected by vaccination. Should it be within the framework of the fight against an existing illness, or one that has been provoked.

  • In 1987, certain American laboratories and the Department of Biotechnology of India signed an agreement authorizing the testing of genetically manufactured vaccines on the people of India. This agreement was met with fierce opposition because it gave access to epidemiological and immunity profiles of a population. This data is extremely important from a military standpoint. It is even more valuable because India has never experienced yellow fever. And, at time of writing this book, it had known only a handful case of AIDS. Over and above all that, the private American laboratories proposed to test products on the Indian population for which they had no right to test in the United States! And the Indian authorities acquiesced!

10. Vaccination is a biological weapon at the service of biological warfare. It permits the targeting of people of a certain race, and leaves the others who are close by more or less untouched. It makes it possible to intervene in the hereditary lineage of anyone selected. A new speciality is born. Genetic engineering. It is flourishing, enjoys much prestige, and is receiving substantial research hinds. The challenge is staggering. To find a vaccine which gives an illness against which we already have the vaccine! In this way, we would be able to send in troops who have already been vaccinated against the killer vaccine, which they would then spread among the enemy. It is absolutely crazy and insane!

Meanwhile, industrial theft is in full swing. Captain and biologist of the US Navy at Fort Detrick, Neil Levitt, reported the disappearance of 2.35 liters of an experimental vaccine. A dose sufficient to contaminate the entire world. Fort Detrick is a research laboratory which manufactures vaccines. It is located quite close to Washington, in Maryland, and it is attached to the National Cancer Institute at Bethesda, a suburb of the capital.

It is hardly astonishing that, in every major vaccination campaign, one finds the same tangled web. Government, the military, Saint W.H.O., financiers, researchers, laboratories, universities, the CIA, and the World Bank.

Let us not lose sight of the fact that:

In the name of the defense of our countries, we manufacture the most murderous of weapons. War; whether it be biological or not, is war. And weapons kill. Biological warfare is a giant business, largely financed BY OUR FUNDS, through the medium of the military, research, and our donations. It is also financed, and without our knowledge, BY OUR LIVES. Those of our children and of millions of innocents who have been sacrificed. It is we, those who live in the Western world, who are responsible for all the illnesses and acts of genocide in the world. By our acceptance of vaccinations, both at home and abroad.

Extracted with permission from The Medical Mafia by Guylaine Lanctot, M.D. ISBN 0964412608 (p.126-131)

Thursday, September 24, 2009

Evidence of Thimerosal, H1N1 Virus in Seasonal Vaccination

Kurt Nimmo
September 23, 2009

An Infowars reader has sent a vaccine insert that proves Fluzone contains thimerosal, the deadly antiseptic and antifungal agent. “Thimerosal is a very effective preservative that has been used since the 1930s to prevent contamination in some multi-dose vials of vaccines,” according to the Centers for Disease Control.

“In 1977, a Russian study found that adults exposed to ethylmercury, the form of mercury in thimerosal, suffered brain damage years later,” writes Dawn Prate for Natural News. “Studies on thimerosal poisoning also describe tubular necrosis and nervous system injury, including obtundation, coma and death. As a result of these findings, Russia banned thimerosal from children’s vaccines in 1980. Denmark, Austria, Japan, Great Britain and all the Scandinavian countries have also banned the preservative.”

According to a number of researchers, thimerosal is responsible for a dramatic increase in autism and other neurological disorders. There is also a link between thimerosal and speech delays, attention-deficit disorder, hyperactivity and autism. The Institute of Medicine conducted a study on thimerosal and concluded that the link between thimerosal and neurodevelopmental disorders was biologically plausible and called for the removal of thimerosal to “reduce mercury exposure of infants and children as much as possible.”

“Fluzone vaccine is indicated for active immunization in people 6 months of age and older against influenza disease caused by influenza virus subtypes A and type B contained in the seasonal influenza vaccine,” reports Medical News Today. “Fluzone vaccine is the only vaccine licensed in the United States for children as young as 6 months of age through adults.”

In other words, if you are buying into the government and corporate media hype about the flu and permit your children to get a seasonal vaccine, they are getting thimerosal. “Sanofi Pasteur expects to supply over 50 million doses of Fluzone vaccine to the U.S. for the 2009-2010 season.” Sanofi Pasteur produces approximately 40 percent of the influenza vaccines distributed worldwide, and in the U.S. Fluzone vaccine accounts for more than 45 percent of the influenza vaccines distributed each year.

Finally, the insert indicates Fluzone contains the H1N1 virus.

Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Makers Of Vaccination Refuse To Take H1N1

UN report leaked to The Observer claims that swine flu could "kill millions" of people in poor nations unless wealthy nations come up with US$1.5 bill

A UN report leaked to The Observer claims that swine flu could "kill millions" of people in poor nations and cause a total breakdown of society unless wealthy nations come up with US$1.5 billion to pay for pandemic vaccines and anti-viral drugs. It warns that the fragile economies of developing nations could be completely destroyed by the breakdown of social services, infrastructure and medical care.

The report specifically says:

"Countries where health services are overburdened by diseases, such as HIV/Aids, tuberculosis and malaria, will have great difficulty managing the surge of cases. And if the electricity and water sectors are not able to maintain services, this will have serious implications for the ability of the health sector to function. ...If suppliers of fuel, food, telecommunications, finance or transport services have not developed plans as to how they would continue to deliver their services, the consequences could be significantly intensified."

This UN report identifies 75 countries that remain vulnerable to this chaos scenario: 6 nations in South America, 21 nations from Asia and 40 in Africa. The only way to prevent the possible collapse of these nations, the report says, is for this $1.5 billion to be spent on vaccines and anti-viral drugs.

There is no mention in the report of teaching the citizens of poor nations how to use their own local indigenousmedicine, or how to get more vitamin D from sunlight, or even how to boost their immune system health through dietary changes. The suggestions of the entire report come down to just two things: Vaccines and anti-viral drugs.

Just another UN medical scam

So what's the real story behind all this? All be blunt: In my opinion, this report is just another Big Pharma scam. It's designed to scare people into sending even more money to the drug companies to buy their drugs and vaccines. The threat of the "complete collapse" of these poorer nations is designed to leverage first-world fear to motivate these nations to spend more money on precisely the things that make the pharmaceutical industry wealthy.

There's no doubt that the citizens of poor nations need help improving their health, but that should be accomplished through education and the use of local medicinal plants, not through the chemical intervention of greedy corporationsfrom first-world nations. The last thing the people of poor nations need is yet another imperialist band of profit-minded corporations telling them to get injected.

Haven't we already learned what happens when drug companies are allowed to exploit the people of poor nations?Pfizer, for example, exploited the children of Nigeria to run illegal drug experiments (http://www.naturalnews.com/026685_P...). This cost the drug company $75 million in a class action settlement, and it cemented the company's reputation as an evil killer in the minds of many.

It's obvious to the leaders of such nations that drug companies have no interest in actually helping their people; they're only interested in exploiting them for profit. This UN scare story is just another first-world tactic to funnel yet more money to the drug companies who will only harm the populations of poor nations.

Saturday, September 19, 2009

Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

Ten Swine Flu Lies Told by the Mainstream Media by Mike Adams the Health Ranger

(NaturalNews) The mainstream media is engaged in what we Americans call "bald faced lies" about swine flu. It seems to be true with this issue more than any other, and it became apparent to me recently when a colleague of mine -- a nationally-syndicated newspaper columnist -- told me their column on natural defenses for swine flu was rejected by newspapers all across the country. Many newspapers refused to run the column and, instead, ran an ad for "free vaccine clinics" in the same space.

The media, it seems, is so deeply in bed with the culture of vaccinations that they will do almost anything to keep the public misinformed. And that includes lying about swine flu vaccines.

There are ten key lies that continue to be told by themainstream media (MSM) about swine flu and swine flu vaccines.

Lie #1 - There are no adjuvants used in thevaccines

I was recently being interviewed by a major U.S. news network when the reporter interviewing me came up with this humdinger: There are no adjuvants being used in theswine flu vaccines, he said!

I assured him that adjuvants were, indeed, a crucial part of the vaccine recipe, and they were being widely used by drug companies to "stretch" the vaccine supply. It's no secret. But he insisted he had been directly told by a drug company rep that no adjuvants were being used at all. And he believed them! So everything being published by this large news network about swine flu vaccines now assumes there are no adjuvants in the vaccines at all.

Lie #2 - The swine flu is more dangerous than seasonal flu

This lie is finally starting to unravel. I admit that in the early days of this pandemic, even I was concerned this could be a global killer. But after observing the very mild impact the virus was having on people in the real world, it became obvious that this was a mild flu, no more dangerous than a seasonal flu.

The MSM, however, continues to promote H1N1 swine flu as being super dangerous, driving fear into the minds of people and encouraging them to rush out and get a vaccine shot for a flu that's really no more likely to kill them than the regular winter sniffles. Sure, the virus could still mutate into something far worse, but if it does that, the current vaccine could be rendered obsolete anyway!

Lie #3 - Vaccines protect you from swine flu

This is the biggest lie of all, and the media pushes it hard. Getting a vaccine, they insist, will protect you from the swine flu. But it's just flat-out false. Even if the vaccine produces antibodies, that's not the same thing as real-world immunity from a live virus, especially if the virus mutates (as they often do).

As I pointed out in a recent article, statistically speaking the average American is 40 times more likely to be struck by lightning than to have their life saved by a swine flu vaccine. (http://www.naturalnews.com/026955_s...)

Lie #4 - Vaccines are safe

And how would any journalists actually know this? None of the vaccines have been subjected to real-world testing for any meaningful duration. The "safety" of these vaccines is nothing more than wishful thinking.

The MSM also doesn't want you to know what's in the vaccines. Some vaccines are made from viral fragments grown in diseased African monkeys. If that sounds incredible, read the true story here


(Copy of Email sent to all Arizona State Senate and House members)
From Dick Fojut in Tucson, AZ

First picture of girl, 14, who died after being injected with cervical cancer jab from 'rogue batch'

In a one-sided "frenzy," our Major Corporate "news" Media are trying to convince us we MUST all get the SWINE FLU VACCINE, declaring the vaccine totally safe!

But NOT ONE medical expert who disagrees (Blaylock, Mercola, Horowitz, Moulden, etc.), has been reported! We should all be suspicious...

Avoid ALL VACCINATIONS warns Dr. Andrew Moulden
The public - and most medical doctors - do not understand HOW (all) vaccinations damage our bodies.

Dr. Andew Moulden explains that repeated VACCINATIONS (even aside from whatever ingredients the vaccines contain) produce additive ISCHEMIC "STROKES" in the 60,000 miles of microscopic blood vessels.

When the Immune System is OVER-stimulated responding to fight any foreign substance vaccine poison injected, the blood vessels (especially the tiniest ones) become CLOGGED with "armies" of white blood cells - the "soldiers" sent to combat the vaccine poison.
Result: Ischemic "strokes" from clogged blood vessels. Blood flow is impaired, preventing sufficient oxygen from reaching the brain, heart and other tissues. Removal of waste products and toxins is also impaired.

All vaccines have been causing "burns" to body and brain. The damage is additive.

One medical expert the major media are NOT interviewing is Dr. Andrew Moulden who WARNS we should AVOID ALL VACCINATIONS - and explains WHY in the following article...

Excerpts only from following VACTRUTH article...

ALL vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, waxing and waning, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and causing brain damages along a continuum of clinically silent to death. This is causing ischemic "strokes". In some respects, this is also "aging." Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages - within hours and days of vaccination - all vaccinations.
M.A.S.S. is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow - "Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes."

In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in human physiology - a component phase of the MASS physiological response.

Remarkably, it is not so much the specific "germs and toxins" that are causing death and disease. It is the response of the body and blood to foreign substances entering the blood and tissues that causes pathology.

The cellular and tissue damages are additive with each exposure.

All vaccines have been causing "burns" to body and brain.
Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own - from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.
When microscopic end blood vessels are destroyed (closed off), as blood flow diminishes and starts to "sludge", this impairs healing, cellular functioning, and promotes build-up of toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens in circumscribed tissue areas.

Full text follows...

By Andrew Moulden MD, PhD

Medical & Neurobehavioral Therapies Director
Former Leader - www.CanadianActionParty.ca

Dr. Moulden has joined and supports the Christian Heritage Party of Canada. This is a stern, yet humble, warning to all citizens of the globe.

It is now proven that we are all being harmed by repeat vaccinations. This evidence must be circulated broadly in light of the imminent Fall, 2009 plan to turn North American schools into MASS vaccine centers to institute triple flu vaccine to us all. Children will be the first to be injected with experimental flu vaccines. The entire vaccine industry, as it turns out, has been experimental. We did not know that we were causing damages - for us all.

In case you are wondering what will happen, the answers are contained in this article. The same thing will happen as has been happening with all vaccines. Clinically silent ischemic brain and body damages will happen. The only difference is that you can now see these damages, with your own eyes, in the here and now, in real time, and in your family photos going back fifty or more years if you have to.

ALL vaccines are causing immediate and delayed, acute and chronic, waxing and waning, impairments to blood flow, throughout the brain and body. This IS causing us all to become chronically ill, sick, and causing brain damages along a continuum of clinically silent to death. This is causing ischemic "strokes". In some respects, this is also "aging." Since the damages are microscopic, we cannot see them as they occur. However, we can now see the neurological aftermath of these damages - within hours and days of vaccination - all vaccinations.

In Revelations 18:4 by the epistle of Saint John we are told: "And I heard another voice from Heaven saying "Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her sins and that ye receive not of her plagues." All vaccinations, as you can now clearly see, are causing chronic illness and mass disorders on mass scales. The global health consequences clearly amount to plaques.

As a medically trained Doctor, a PhD trained neuroscientist/neuropsychologist, with a Masters degree in Child/language neurodevelopment, I have been trained to follow clinical observations to empirical assessment couched within the scientific model we rely upon to answer questions of: What is normal and what is not? What is cause? What is coincidence? What is factual? What is fancy? What is reproducible? What is random? What is measurable? What is predictable? What is truth? What is consequence? What is "going on"?

Science is only a man made truth-seeking tool. It is fallible. It is a statistical, probabilistic mathematical model. It has limitations. Wielded for profit - truth can become lost.
Scientific methods, design, and analyses can just as soon hide the truth as they can discover truth, or create 'truth" de-novo.
Science cannot replace God-given tools of common sense and observation we all have. You do not need statistical probabilistic mathematical models, wielded by experts, to deny what you can see with your very own eyes.

If you place your hand on a hot stove element, you will be burned. If you do not experience pain and you cannot see the burn, then you will not learn that touching hot stove elements is harmful.
All vaccines have been causing "burns" to body and brain. The brain has no pain receptors. You will not feel the pain. You can, however, see the footprints of these "burns" immediate and delayed, from each vaccination. The evidence was before our eyes all along. We simply did not appreciate what these "burns" meant let alone that they were emerging, after each vaccination. The "burns" are largely to internal organ systems. We can ALL now see the damaging effects of these "burns" with our own eyes.

As a physician, it is my sworn duty to cause no harm. As a human being, it is my duty to watch over my fellow beings. As an educator, it is my responsibility to teach awareness and understanding. As a scientist, it is my duty to separate cause from coincidence. As a Christian, it is my value to do unto others, as I would have others do unto myself. As a man, it is my responsibility to stand up to power, with truth and understanding, when those that wield power are in error.

My statements are not the words of a zealot. These are the words of integrity, couched with understanding, that has the potential to reside in every one of you.

All vaccinations cause brain damage, disease, chronic illness, aging, and death - res veritas loquitur - the truth speaks for itself. If you do not seek, if you do not knock, if you do not look, if you trust your own understandings, then caveat emptor - buyer beware.

We have answers. We have solutions - www.Therapies4Kids.com . We cannot provide solutions or treatments to a medical system and model that denies it is sick.

My training has taught me how to translate anecdotal clinical observations into empirically sound clinical measurements in medicine, neurodevelopment, and human physiology. This is especially so in dealing with functions of the human brain and behavior.
The pictorial evidence attached to this article represents a small sample of the data I have now collected from thousands. The truth about all vaccinations causing harm is now available for your understanding.

The truth is frightening, disheartening, alarming, and now self-evident.

We have made a global medical mistake based on a lack of knowledge and understanding. We have translated forest fires for 1% of the population into chronic brush fires for the entire population. The brush fires are chronic illness and disease, least of which are the neurodevelopmental disorders.

12-IMAM Brain Damage measurement system
The measurement system I have created is based on the 12 cranial nerves and the clinical skills Doctors are supposed to use to assess brain function and integrity. I have called the measurement system the 12 "Eye" M.A.S.S. Anoxia Measures (12-IMAM).

M.A.S.S. is an acronym for many chronic illnesses and diseases that impair blood flow - "Moulden Anoxia Spectrum Syndromes." One-size-fits-all global vaccination schemes have created M.A.S.S. disorders on MASS scales. MASS disorders, from infectious diseases to vaccinations, have a common sequence of injuries which includes impaired blood flow, oxygenation, blood carrying capacity, and non-specific immune hyper-stimulation.

In essence, we are creating disease and chronic illness by an over-zealous activation of a natural set of healing mechanisms in human physiology - a component phase of the MASS physiological response.
Remarkably, it is not so much the specific "germs and toxins" that are causing death and disease. It is the response of the body and blood to foreign substances entering the blood and tissues that causes pathology. The state of the blood, the nature of the triggers, the state of the immune system relative to repeat antigenic challenges, conspires to effect damages along a continuum of harm - all organ systems can be affected.

The cellular and tissue damages are additive with each exposure. Direct vaccination is no longer necessary to be vaccine injured. Vaccinations are not the only trigger to pathology. Serial (repeat) vaccinations aggravate the core problems. Once the blood vessels are damaged, to a critical point, the pathological process can take on a self-perpetuating life of its own - from infants to teenagers to adults, to companion pets alike.

Four features of the 12-IMAM measurement system that you can now see, include the eye turning in, the eye turning out, the smile becoming asymmetrical, and the eye blinks coming out of sync. These are strokes, from ischemia, throughout the brain and body, for all. Repeat vaccination is the primary culprit, however, vaccination is not the only cause of this MASS problem in human physiology.

If you repetitively dump a million rubber duckies at the mouth of the Mississippi river, where they become lodged downstream will vary from truckload to truckload. Repeat vaccination, by its effects on the non-specific immune system, is like dumping the triggers which call for repetitive "dumping" of millions of rubber duckies (white blood cells) at the head of the Mississippi river. Once the "triggers" are sequestered in various bottleneck end tributary river branches, they continuously attract more "rubber duckies" to these areas. This impairs blood flow and leads to a net loss of tissue by acute or slow strangulation.

It is the act and magnitude of the "rubber duckies" being called to these end vascular areas that causes congestion, impaired blood flow, lack of oxygen, glucose and nutrients to the affected tissue areas. Without oxygen or nutrients, he cells lining the walls of capillaries self-cauterize (clamp shut). This is a healing mechanism that must be instituted in order to prevent leakage of plasma and or blood into tissues.

With MASS impairs blood flow and oxygenation to the tiny blood vessels in the eye, we sometimes see "retinal hemorrhages." When MASS occurs in the brain, we call it intracerebral bleeding. When MASS occurs to the bones, we call it brittle bones. Collectively, we label this "shaken baby syndrome."

When the blood sludging MASS process happens to brainstem areas controlling automatic respiration, the central drive for respiration is lost. We call this sudden infant death or sudden death.
When M.A.S.S. happens to the descending motor tracts in the brain, we call this paralysis, Guillain-Barré Syndrome, infantile paralysis, seizures, encephalopathy.

CBS News has found that since 1988, the vaccine court has awarded money judgments, often in the millions of dollars, to thirteen hundred and twenty two families whose children suffered brain damage from vaccines. All of these children will show the same IMAM-12 ischemic brain damages as children who have been rendered autistic, learning disabled or dead after vaccinations. The process that causes brain damages from vaccination is also the same MASS process that causes all damages after vaccination - all vaccinations. It is not the vaccines doing this. It is "M.A.S.S." ischemia. Vaccines have been inadvertently concocted to induce MASS.

When M.A.S.S. happens to internal organs or connective tissue, we call it colitis, irritable bowel, fibromyalgia, chronic fatigue, post-concussion syndrome, a psychiatric disorder.

When M.A.S.S. happens in infants, and children, we call it autism-spectrum disorders, specific learning disabilities, attention deficit disorders, Aspergers syndrome, global developmental delay, and some childhood cancers. Sometimes M.A.S.S. causes or compounds cerebral palsy - both conditions result from impaired oxygenation and blood flow to the brain.

Sometimes we call M.A.S.S. "Kawasaki" syndrome, "Moyamoya", 'aseptic meningitis", "encephalopathy", "Meningitis", hypsarrythmia, infantile spasms, West syndrome, or febrile seizures. It is all simply M.A.S.S. ischemia.

Autism and schizophrenia are the same ailment, in physiology, albeit the triggering pathways for schizophrenia (loss of immunological tolerance) has a different trajectory than acquired autism-spectrum disorders. Nonetheless, a similar mechanism is at work for both ailments - MASS ischemia from derailed blood flow.

When MASS happens in teen girls after Gardasil vaccination, it creates death, disease, illness, clouded thinking, and paralysis. Remarkably, the Gardasil shots are simply completing the silent ischemic vascular damages, to body and brain that were caused from each childhood vaccination the girl received. Sudden death is due to loss of central drive for respiration in the same manner that vaccinations are causing many cases of sudden infant death. Sometimes seizures may also occur. The course can be waxing and waning. All vaccines are causing these problems - silently, in an additive manner over each vaccination, for all of us. No one is spared.

When MASS happens in military and armed services personnel, this causes "Gulf war Syndrome."
When MASS happens to schizophrenia patients being treated with powerful psychotropic drugs that de-rail white blood cell functions, sudden "unexplained" death can occur by the same MASS sudden death sequence that vaccinations sometimes induce in infants and teen girls.

When MASS happens in the elderly, it causes a slow, step-wise deterioration in cognitive functions - we call this dementia. This is slow strangulation of brain tissue from ischemia at the microscopic level.

Febrile seizures are not caused by "fever". The fever expands the diameter of the tiny blood vessels so that more white blood cell infection fighting "soldiers" can traverse down the 'roads." When the blood vessel roads become jammed, by too many white blood cells, and altered fluid dynamics, there is ischemia. Ischemia causes a lack of oxygen to the brain.

No oxygen to electrically active cells causes depolarization. In the heart, ischemia causes arrhythmia - a seizure to the heart. In the brain, ischemia causes seizures - arrhythmia to the brain. Seizures are a symptom of impaired blood flow and oxygenation just like vaccine induced autism-spectrum is a symptom of the same process.
You can have autism without seizures. You can have seizures without autism. You can have brain damages with or without autism or seizures. This is all ischemia - immediate and delayed, from instability of blood flow dynamics.

I can make these statements of fact, and so can you, since the photographs you can now see, before and after vaccination, show we are all having ischemic microvascular strokes - silently. Some of these damages are called "bulbar palsies" and they are the exact same damages we saw from wild polio exposure as we now see from vaccinations. Remarkably, no one ever told you that wild polio and other infectious diseases, were inducing the body to cause ischemic strokes to the brain. Vaccinations induce the same process - albeit in an attenuated and chronic form.

The ischemic brain damages, after vaccination, from infants to adults, cut across all symptom based medical diagnostic end points.
Type 1 insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is a MASS disorder, as is Parkinson Disease, Tourette's syndrome, Multiple Sclerosis, and several other neuropsychiatric disorders.

Aphasia and loss of expressive speech functions with vaccinations is called "isolation of speech syndrome" or "transcortical motor aphasia." This is caused by ischemia to end blood vessel watershed vascular territories in the brain - period.

Silent MASS ischemic strokes is how the body caused paralysis and respiratory failure from wild polio virus exposure. This is how death occurred from Smallpox. This is how swine flu vaccine caused paralysis and Guillain-Barré syndrome.

This is how thalidomide caused infants to be born with no arms and legs. This is how a series of anthrax vaccines causes military veterans to give birth to children with no arms and legs 18 months after receiving the vaccine series. This is how Vioxx caused heart attack and stroke.

This is how pre-natal German measles caused autism-spectrum and organ damages. This is how a systemic drop in maternal blood pressure, during gestation, causes Mobius syndrome (and autism-spectrum). This is how repeat vaccination is causing dementia.
M.A.S.S. is how vaccinations are causing a multitude of chronic illnesses and disease. It is not the germs causing this problem. It is the response of the body to de-railed and unbalanced immune challenges.

When microscopic end blood vessels are destroyed (closed off), as blood flow diminishes and starts to "sludge", this impairs healing, cellular functioning, and promotes build-up of toxins, heavy metals, and pathogens in circumscribed tissue areas. The ischemia causes disease, autoimmunity, and some cancers if the cells are forced to function in a low energy, low oxygen state. It is not so much "Rome" that is being damaged as it is the roads to and from Rome that are being damaged first.

The "fall of Rome" follows as the Romans are starved, strangulated, and forced to live in a "City" that can neither bring supplies in to repair damages, nor can it remove waste from within its central territory by efficient means to meet supply and demand. This is an example of too many Roman Centurions (white blood cells) called to Rome to protect the City. The Centurions, by magnitude and response, block the roads to Rome by virtue of a chronic "Call to Arms."

There is a better way to prevent disease. Vaccination only masks the cause of disease, it does nothing to address the core problem in physiology - the non-specific M.A.S.S. response and colloidal stability of blood flow dynamics. There are alternative solutions to controlling infectious diseases in populations that do not require injecting foreign substances into your body.
Doctors, pathologists, and coroners cannot see what is right before their very eyes.

The cause of sudden infant death, and dementia, in life, is impaired microscopic blood flow. In death, there is no blood flow. Medical science cannot find cause of death and disease, in life, from looking at dead tissue, when the dead tissue exhibits the same cause of death during life - no microscopic end vascular blood flow.

A 300 foot Giant Redwood can transport water (nutrients and oxygen) against gravity from the ground to the very top of the tree. The redwood has no moving parts or pump. This transpiration feat is accomplished by the electrodynamics nature of water.

Human blood is 95% water. The human body is 75% water by weight. In physiology, when the electrodynamics quality of water is de-railed by heavy metals, infectious diseases, vaccinations, and other adverse influences, the water which carries oxygen, nutrients, glucose, and healing cells cannot traverse tiny blood vessels to deliver their life sustaining cargoes. This is especially true in end vascular "pipes" that are uniquely oriented against gravity. Blood flow is a function of the colloidal stability of the blood and its products.

The human blood is a colloidal suspension. Proteins. Amino acids, heavy metals etc.. are carried in suspension within the blood as a function of the net negative charge within the system. Drop the net negative charge, flow pressures in tiny end blood vessel "pipes" will start to sludge, agglomerate, and increase viscosity of blood in circumscribed microscopic vascular areas. Medical science has no live imaging tool powerful enough to see this process as it is happening.

By analogy, coffee cream remains in a fluid state when it is moving. If the cream remains stagnant in your coffee cup for several days, it will phase change into a gel. Stagnant blood also turns to sludge and "gel" when it stops moving in a spiral column. Stagnation causes an increase in mass as blood products "come together" to form various degrees of sludge and "gel".

Agglomerates of sludged blood products cannot traverse microscopic blood vessels designed to carry oxygen transporting red blood cells, in single file.Capillary blood vessels oriented against gravity are uniquely susceptible. Forward blood flow momentum is a function of the negative charge and "spin" in fluid dynamics which keeps particles with mass separated from one another.

Newtonian laws of physics govern how objects with mass move in our universe . The "Big G" is Newton's Universal Law that Force equals Acceleration x MASS. Increasing MASS (as in sludged blood) with no net increase in Force causes deceleration and no forward flow. No forward flow translates into no oxygen or fuel delivery. For the brain, and body, this causes hypoxia (low oxygen), anoxia (no oxygen) and ischemia (impaired blood flow).

In terms of vaccine damages, impaired forward blood flow in end vascular territories creates brain and organ damages - in us all. These damages have been clinically silent - for millennia. This ischemic process, from germs, toxins, to vaccinations, is the cause of much human disease, pain, and suffering. All vaccines are causing chronic disease, in our attempts to prevent acute disease. We never got rid of the problem, as we did not know what the problem was - until now.

There are some common "end vascular" blood vessels in the human brain, irrespective of age. It is for this reason that we see the exact same measurable signs of brain damage, immediate and delayed, from all vaccinations, for us all in the same manner we saw identical damages from the wild polio virus in the 1950's. Some of these damages are called bulbar palsies (paralyses) from impaired blood flow through the brain and brainstem. They were present from deadly infectious diseases as much as they are now present from vaccinations. This is slow death, for us all, rather than a fast death, for the few.

When there is impaired blood flow there is impaired oxygen delivery to tissue. Vaccines cause impaired blood flow in an immediate, delayed, waxing and waning pattern. This impairs oxygen delivery throughout the 60,000 miles of microscopic end blood vessel networks in the brain and body. Microscopic brain tissue regions can only survive 4 minutes in an absolute oxygen deprivation state.
Cerebral Vascular Network

Whenever you impair "flow" in any riverbed system, the first areas to "dry up" downstream are the weakest trickling streams furthest from the flow source. These areas are called "end vascular networks." If an area of tissue is served by a singular blood vessel branch, these areas are called "watershed vascular territories." These tissue areas are most susceptible to damages when blood flow is partly or completely impaired upstream. For example, the finger-tips, toe-tips, nose-tips, and ear-tips are most susceptible to frost bite as they are end vascular, watershed areas in the human body.

The evidence you can now see, represents the beginning of the end of a flawed medical model and system that has caused the greatest harm, by man-kind to man-kind, in the history of recorded history. Remarkably, we managed to perpetrate these acts under the guise of the greater good, for handsome profit, endorsed by political leaders, corporate merchants, public health officials, and medical professionals alike - they don't know what they don't know - a part of the problem.

Debates over the safety, efficacy, and utility of the one-size-fits-all global vaccination programs has reached a fervent pitch. According to the World Health Organization there are 43 million vaccinations administered globally, on any given day. As citizens, we are told "leave the science to scientists." If you do not have a medical or advanced science degree, your input is irrelevant." You are told children can handle ten thousand vaccinations safely as they are all attenuated, killed germs, or weakened."

The problem is that medical science has not known what to measure in order to ensure safety - for all. Now that we have the hard, clinically reproducible, see for yourself measures of neurological damages, we can now see that ALL vaccinations, just like the wild viruses in the pre-vaccine era, are causing tissue, organ, and brain damages. These damages exist along a continuum of harm. The damages are additive with each vaccination received - you can now see this. The clinically silent adverse effects include derailments of all organ systems, to death.

We call these adversities by a plethora of clinical labels that are seemingly unrelated to the causal event - repeat vaccinations.
Remarkably, I can now make these bold statements as we can all now see, with our own eyes, the ischemic brain damages, for us all, across ALL vaccinations, from infancy to adulthood, immediately and delayed, irrespective of the end organ damages or clinical diagnostic labels that emerge.
We are selling you vaccines, for profit, which are causing illnesses and death. We then sell you symptom based pharmaceutical products, for profit, to treat the damages and disorders we have caused.
Remarkably, I can now say that the vaccine damages extend to the realm of cancers in addition to varied autoimmune and neurodevelopment disorders.

All vaccinations are causing "silent" brain and organ damages in exactly the same way that wild polio virus caused paralysis and respiratory failure and how other infectious "plaques" of days gone by, have crippled, maimed, paralyzed, and killed. This is now proven. The damages are additive and summative with each vaccination given. The organ, tissue, and brain damages have been clinically silent, - until now.

You may now see, with your own eyes and understanding, amongst your own family and loved ones,. Evidence now before the United States federal Circuit Courts on vaccine injuries proves that we have ALL been harmed, and are being harmed, by this universal one-size-fits-all vaccination program. Some of this evidence is compiled in an educational 3 disk, 6 hour DVD series entitled: "Tolerance Lost - Volumes 1 to 3.

The Tolerance Lost DVD series, a USA vaccine legal exemption guidebook, and a evidence of harm materials are available at www.BrainGuardMD.com

Copyright Vaccine Research Project. All Rights Reserved.